Chapter 22- Hyperbolic Time Chamber

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The Saiyans immediately started attacking,with Watmel joining in too. Nate stayed behind,for obvious reasons. Cell beat everyone,his Ki was multiplied by several times. "Guys,we can't win this! Grab 18 and 16 and follow me!" Daz ordered. Everyone flew off into the sky. "Heh,looks like they're scared! But where are they going? Perhaps to get even stronger? Eh,whatever,I'll need to test this power further anyways." Cell wondered. Daz and the others arrived at the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. "What's this place?" Watmel asked. "It's the Hyperbolic Time Chamber." Daz answered. "We'll have to stay in there for 2 days, all 8 of us,2 at a time." "Well what's the purpose?" Watmel asked again. "2 days training in there equals to 2 years of training!" Daz explained. Watmel practically fell over. "Great idea!" Nhybye agreed happily. "So...who's going first?" Jordan asked. Everyone looked around. "How about this;" Daz started. "Jordan and Nhybye,Ket and Nate,Maree and Watmel and me and Crally?" "What?! Why do we got to go first!?" Jordan yelled. "Because you seem like you have a lot of potential,plus your the weakest out of all of us,in your base form,of course." Daz explained again. Jordan made a face kind of like this; :/.

Like last time,everyone was training before they went into the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. Daz and the rest would be extremely stronger,resulting in them defeating Cell. Daz heard someone behind him. "Hello? Is anyone there?" Daz asked. Suddenly,a figure stepped out from some bushes. It took a few minutes for Daz to recognize the figure. "No. Way." Daz was in complete shock. "It's been a while,hasn't it?" The figure said. He,was Zaihan.

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