Chapter 25- Cell Vs. Everyone.

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Zaihan kicked around Cell for a little bit before he caught a punch. He punched Zaihan in the stomach sending him flying up. He friend around to look at Nhybye who was already infront of him. He dodged a punch from Cell,jumped up and landed on his head. Cell tried to punch him but missed.Cell tried to punch him again,he still missed. Cell eventually charged up his energy,forcing Nhybye to jump upwards. With no other options for Cell to use,and since his eyes were closed,Zaihan came down with his feet put up against each other. He pounded Cell's head and jumped off immediately. Cell didn't get a chance to charge to his full power. He appears infront of Jordan and kicked him back. He appeared behind him while Jordan was still flying backwards and did the same thing he did to Maree,making Jordan pass out. "Damn you!" Nhybye charged at Cell in anger,but Cell dodged all of Nhybye's attacks. Cell eventually kicks Nhybye and beat him with only his tail.

3 down, 6 more to go. "D-Daz!" Nhybye yelled. "What?" "I need you to go collect the dragon balls,wish for all of us to be able to live forever,and for us to be able to train in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber as long as we want,and for us to be able to go in there as many times as we want!" "Good idea!" Daz and Crally flew off to collect the dragon balls. The others flew back to the chamber,knowing they were fighting a losing battle,but Cell followed them.

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