Chapter 23- One more Saiyan!

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"ZAIHAN?!" Daz screamed. "Yes,Hello! I heard that all of Gingertown's population has been absorbed." "Y-yeah? What about it?" Daz asked. "I want to help you with that threat,also,I've been training too,and I wanted to find and show you something." Zaihan explained. He began charging up,his body's aura switching in and out of white to yellow. "I think I just shit myself." Daz was dying from suprise. Zaihan's Ki was was beyond Daz's. His hair turning yellow and his eyes cyan. "I'm a Saiyan,more specifically,a Super Saiyan." Zaihan explained. Daz was speechless. "You...That's amazing! You can help us all you want!" Daz yelled. "Thanks,but...what about your grandpa?" Zaihanasked,nervous. "Let bygones be bygones!" Daz brushed it off. "O...K?"

The 2 days was up and Jordan and Nhybye came out. They were both in their super saiyan forms. "Wait, what're you doing in your super saiyan forms?" Maree asked. "We're just getting used to it,infact,I wanna show you something!" Jordan explained. He charged up,his muscles got bigger and bigger. "What the hell?" Daz was confused,so was everyone else besides Nhybye. "This is Super Saiyan Grade 2. I think instead of just the regular 50x,I think it's 62.5x!" Jordan explained. "Woah!" Nate was 'happy' for them,but his eye was twitching. "Oh,who's that?" Jordan asked. "I'm Zaihan,I can go beyond that, actually." Zaihan explained. "?!" Everyone stepped back. Zaihan started charging up,turning super saiyan. His muscles growing even bigger than Jordan's Super Saiyan Grade 2. "This is Super Saiyan Grade 3,i think the multiplier is 75x. There's another one,I have it too." Zaihan explained again. "What is it?!" Jordan yelled. "It's really just super saiyan but there's no energy drain. So you can stay in it as long as you want!" Zaihan explained yet again. At this point, Nate's face was bright red,his mouth and right eye twitching. "Uh,Nate? You ok?" Nhybye asked. "GOD...DAMNIT!" Nate screamed. His Ki exploded,his outline turning green to yellow,and his hair was also turning black to yellow. His eyes cyan. Nate had finally done it. "YES! I DID IT!" Nate was happy.

"C'mon,Ket! Let's go!" Nate grabbed him by the arm and they ran inside. The door slamming behind them. "He's very eager." Zaihan admitted. "Well,we all better get back to training!" Daz instructed. "Wait, when will I get a turn to go in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber?" Zaihan asked. "Oh,the order was Jordan and Nhybye,Ket and Nate,Maree and Watmel then me and Crally,sorry,I guess you gotta go in by yourself." Daz apologized. "Eh,it's alright,I haven't had any contact with someone in years,anyways." Zaihan exclaimed.

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