Chapter 11- Frieza's Ultimate Power!

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Frieza's power level was now equal to the Saiyans power,but the others added to it,overpowering Frieza. Frieza whipped Nhybye in the face with his tail. Jordan punches Frieza but it barely does anything. Jordan catches another punch again from Frieza. He knees Frieza in the face,making him stumble backwards. Nate and Ket punch Frieza in the back. "YOU DAMN MONKEYS! ENOUGH OF THESE GAMES! LIKE I SAID,IM IN A HURRY!" Frieza began powering up again,this time,he became shorter,his head returned to normal,and you could no longer see his muscles. He now had white skin,like Ket. "Ket,are you one of his kind?!" "No! Not at all!" Frieza began sending a barrage of punches at Nhybye,he got hit by them all. "NHYBYE!" Jordan rushed over to Nhybye side. "Nhybye,Nhybye wake up!" Nhybye laid there,practically lifeless. "GRRG! YOU'LL PAY FOR THAT!" Jordan spun around and kicked Frieza in the head,but it did nothing. He tried it again,but Frieza caught it and threw him the other way.  Everyone started to send barrages of punches,kicks and Ki Blasts. Frieza dodged them all. "Hmph. I thought I would be able to use 5% of my power,oh well." Frieza pushed them all away. Just than,who else to land infront of Frieza but Daz himself.

He was stronger than the 3 other Saiyans combined. They stared each other down. Than,faster than the others could see,they started punching and kicking the other. Daz got a lucky shot by kicking Frieza in the face. Frieza charged up to 33% of his power. Daz realized that he couldn't beat Frieza in his original state,so he too began powering up. While he was training,he was in Kaioken,so now he could push it beyond X4. "KAIOKENX10!" Their power level was now equal,and they were ready to fight. Daz punched Frieza and dragged him into a nearby mountain formation. Frieza kicked him in face,sending him flying up. Daz connected his legs and hit Frieza in the face. Frieza grabbed his legs and threw him into the ground. Frieza flew down to the ground infront of Daz. "You stupid monkey! You'll never beat me,Lord Frieza!" "I'm not done!" Daz charges up to KaiokenX20. "Alright then,I'll use 54% of my power." Frieza charges up again,they were ready to go again.

They both started to send barrages of all kinds of attacks. Frieza punches Daz in the stomach and Frieza kicked Frieza in the knee. Frieza tried to punch Daz again but he dodges it,he tries again but Daz counters it by using a Ki Blast. The gang was behind the two,watching the whole thing. Daz knees Frieza in the face,and than grabs his tail,swings around and throws Frieza into a rock formation again. Frieza burst out of the destroyed rock,which took Daz by surprise when he punched him. Daz kicked Frieza in the face and punched him in the stomach,knocking Frieza back a bit. Frieza tried to punch Daz,but he used the after-image technique to appear above Frieza,he connected his legs once more and send Frieza into the ground and sent a barrage of Ki Blasts at him.

Daz reverted back to his Base. He landed infront of the group and they all partied. "YOU DID IT!" Crally ran over to Daz,hugged him and Daz saw the lustful look in her eyes. Daz whispered to Crally, "We'll do it when we get home,MK?" "Sure!" Crally said. "Well,I guess it time to go home!" Jordan said. Just than,Nhybye looked at where Frieza is,and he was standing up,like nothing happened. "I-wha-but-I?!" Nhybye stuttered. "What's wrong,Nhybye?" Daz asked. He looked over to where Nhybye was looking. Everyone was in complete silence,Nhybye realized that Frieza was charging an attack,headed straight for Daz. "EVERYONE! WATCH OUT Nhybye kicked them all away,he got hit by the attack. Frieza charged and crushed Maree's head. "?!" His next target was Nate,he sent another weird attack,but Ket got in the way. "KET!" Frieza punched Nate's head and it exploded. He wrapped his tail around Jordans neck and choked him to death. Frieza held his hand out,aiming it at Crally,suddenly,he lifted his hand,along with Crally, "FRIEZA WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" "Pop goes the weasel!" Just than,Crally exploded. With Nhybye,Ket,Nate,Maree,Jordan and Crally all dead,Daz felt the anger building up inside him. "Ohohohoho!"

Daz's anger sky-rocketed,along with his Ki. "What the?!" Eventually,it surpassed Frieza's present power. "This can't be possible!" "You heartless bastard! You'll pay for everything!" Rocks started to raise around him. "You'll pay for blowing up my planet! You'll pay for almost ending my race!" Lighting started to flash around them. Daz's hair color turned from Blue with a Yellow streak of hair,into pure Yellow in a flash. "This can't be! He can't be! He can be the legendary Super Saiyan!" Daz's Ki was now 30X more powerful,and it was still going up,fast. "You'll pay for killing all my friends! YOU'LL DIE HERE AND NOW!" A burst of energy pushed Frieza back. Daz was now... a Super Saiyan!

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