Chapter 21- Semi-Perfect

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"Cell?! What do you want now?!" Daz yelled at the android. "I'm here for those two your fighting." Cell explained. "17 and 18?" Jordan asked. "Of course." Cell launched toward 18 but 16 appeared infront of him. "If you plan on hurting her,you won't have your tail,or your head." 16 threatened. Nhybye used the after-image technique to appear beside 16 in his Super Saiyan form. "You'll have to go through me,too!" The android's were surprised that Nhybye,one of their enemies,was going to not only fight along side one of them,but protect one of them.

"So now I'll have to kill you two? Ok,fine by me." Cell threatened. Nhybye could tell he had successfully absorbed all of Gingertown's population. Nhybye punched and kicked Cell,who dodged it all. 16 tried his hand at attacking,but Cell punched him away,he did the same to Nhybye. "Nhybye! Damn you! Maree,heal me!" Jordan ordered. Maree rushed over to heal him,while Crally decided to do the same to Daz. "Now your through!" Jordan and Daz jumped to the android and attacked him in their Super Saiyan form. "Damnit! I'm completely overwhelmed!" Cell remembered that his goal wasn't to kill Daz and his friends,but to absorb 17 and 18 to become perfect. He rushed pass the Saiyans,leaped toward the injured 17 and whipped his tail out.

17 got sucked into Cell. Cell grew more and more powerful. "Yes! This power is wonderful!" Cell started to become bigger and bulkier,with the mask around his face disappearing. He was now Semi-Perfect,perfect enough to kill anyone who got in his way to become truly perfect.

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