Chapter 14- Androids.

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"So,Watmel,did you come here for a pacific reason?" Nhybye asked. "Yes,actually. In 3 years,there will be these things called androids. They'll try to kill us all,like they did in the future." Watmel explained. "Android's,huh? Well we'll best them!" Daz said. "You'd better be careful,they're more powerful than Frieza." "What?!" Daz and Nhybye jumped at the thought. "Mhm,but,ya got a warning three years in advance,you'll be fine!" "I hope so..."

Watmel stayed to help and train with them,determined not to die for his future mother. 1 Year later, the gang was bulked up and everyone thought they were ready,but Watmel explained that not even his super Saiyan form could beat them,but he was able to hold his own against three. Now,we got some Good News and some Bad News,which one you wanna hear first? The good news? Ok,everyone learned how to do a Beyond Kamehameha (Kamehameho). Now for the bad news,Crally was pregnant,so she couldn't fight or train,plus Daz had to stay home some days to take care of her so he missed some training.

2 years had passed,and the team was almost ready. Watmel had been born with a Power Level of 2,000,everyone was happy and now knew how and why Watmel was so powerful. Watmel couldn't believe he was seeing himself as a newborn,even if he was now 2 years old in this timeline. Nhybye told Daz that his base was finally enough to be able to destroy a planet without going Super Saiyan. Crally started to train again after giving birth to Watmel. Everyday his power level increased by one. Jordan was almost stronger than Nhybye,but still the weakest Saiyan out of all of them.

3 years had passed,and now everyone was ready to battle! On the day it all happened,they let tried to sense the androids Ki,but Watmel explained how they don't have any Ki. So they all followed Watmel until they spotted them,trying to destroy a city. They all landed infront of them. "Who are you eight? Humans coming to save your so-called 'friends'?" A short,pale one said. "We aren't humane." Daz told them. "Oh? Show is then." An Android which looked like an old man said. Everyone stood there,ready,but Nhybye pushed everyone aside. "Leave this to me..." Nhybye said,very confidently. He charged up,his aura turned from Red to Yellow. "He-He did it!" Jordan gasped. "Damn,he really did. Well,guess that leaves you and me,Jordan." Nate said. Nhybye's hair turned yellow,and his eyes turned cyan. Nhybye...was a Super Saiyan.

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