Rogue x Reader

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I stood at the doors, waiting for them to open and the music to play. Once they were swung open I was promptly escorted down the walkway, everyone's eyes on me. My heart jumped as I was handed off to the man at the end of the long walk. Sting kissed my cheek and took his seat at the front of the rows as my future husband pulled me up to the altar. I met eyes with the man I've known for six years, meeting the only emotion I knew he'd have. Regret.

Today was supposed to be the happiest day of my life as I married the man of my dreams. But he wasn't standing before me. No, he was two people behind the groom, his red eyes glossy as he held back his tears. The man who held my hands was almost a nobody compared to the other, someone I met at a restaurant and resumed to see for the years following. I thought I was happy, I thought that maybe he was the one until I joined Sabertooth and was put on a team with Sting and Rogue.

Rogue and I were distant at the beginning, Sting being the only one to really talk to me. But eventually we were forced to go on missions alone as Sting was busy with guild business. The feelings I was forming for Rogue I tried to suppress, but they didn't go unnoticed, or unrequited. Knowing of my engagement Rogue kept to himself, never wanting to admit those feelings that he harbored. Eventually, after a few too many drinks, they all came out. I couldn't help but cry out my feelings as well, starting the forbidden relationship.

My fiance didn't miss the signs, my absence most nights and my thoughts always elsewhere when we were alone. However I blamed it on work, saying it had been at its most stressful point. He believed it. Of course as time went on he soon came to figure out my new late night activities or of my schemes while Rogue and I were working, but he never fought for me. He insisted that we worked through it and continue on with the wedding, I agreed, breaking off my relationship with Rogue quickly after.

Even though he understood the reasoning, it broke him. It broke me. And now I'm standing here in front of all of our friends and family, on my wedding day, thinking of the groomsman with the crimson eyes.

My Fiance's grip on my hand was loose as if he was contemplating leaving, and his eyes were harsh but broken. I betrayed him and I felt awful for it, but I couldn't help the fact that I didn't love him. A small tear fell down my soft cheek as the minister went on. The crowd cooed, thinking it was for the unending love I held for that man, but they couldn't have been more wrong.

"Do you, Deven, take (Y/n) to be your lawfully wedded wife. To love and to hold, through sickness and in health, for rich or for poor, for as long as you both shall live?"

"I do." His voice was pained and it looked as if his heart broke behind those gray eyes. Everyone's gaze was now on me as the man turned towards me, holding his book to repeat those same words.

"Do you, (Y/n), take Deven to be your-"

"No," I whispered out almost as if it had slipped its way out itself.

"E-excuse me?" He asked slightly concerned I had said those forbidden words.

"I said no. I- I'm sorry, but I can't do this." I spilled as I released his grip and ran out of the church. I ignored the stares from his family and my close friends as I threw open the doors, running until I couldn't anymore.

"(Y/n)!" I heard from behind me and I turned around quickly to see the love of my life running towards me, his styled black hair messy from the jog. When he reached me he placed his hands on my cheeks and wiped away the makeup stained tears. Without words, I pulled him into an embrace and cried onto his jacket as he stroked my back gently. "Are you alright?"

"No I'm not fucking alright!" I yelled which caused him to freeze at the unexpected outburst. "I just ran out on my own wedding, leaving my fiance up on the altar in front of everyone I know because I couldn't focus on anyone but you!" I couldn't hold back the sobs anymore and I choked on my words. Not knowing what to say, Rogue hugged me tighter, allowing me to stain his shirt with tears.

I gently pulled away, wiping my face with the white sleeve of my dress, not like it matters now. Looking up, I smiled for the first time today as our eyes fully met. The look of love I longed for was there, staring back at me. I quickly grabbed his cheeks, bringing his lips to mine for the first time in months. As people exited the church they could see us together, embracing each other, but I didn't care who saw anymore, the secret would've been revealed eventually anyway. After we pulled away he gave me that small smile that I fell in love with, and I knew I made the right decision.

"After I clear all this up and make it right with everybody, we'll be just as happy as we were before." I smiled and he nodded, caressing my cheek gently. It wasn't going to end perfectly, there would be a lot of work to make everything right and to get our relationship back on track, but we never expected a fairy tale from the start. Because it's a fact, love is a fickle thing.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2015 ⏰

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