02-The Encounter 2

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Part 02

Sweetie's Pov:-

I couldn't stop thinking about how Mary would be feeling as her headlight was broken. It might be painful. I have to take her to the garage soon,but my interview…

Damn it! Mary is my bestie so first comes bestie then other things. I rode towards the nearby garage as soon as possible.

On the way I called Mr Choi so that he could just make her wait for sometime. I've heard she doesn't like people who come late now I'm doomed.

(On the phone)

"Hello Mr Choi, I'm actually stuck here for some important work. I might be late. Should I come or there's no option ?.." I asked quite nervously.

"I can't confirm you Miss because Ms Song is very strict with time and you might have a chance cause i don't think the girls here will be getting the job so if you can make it in half an hour you might have a chance" He said. As soon as he said that, I got some hope so I lightened my mood and relaxed.

"Thank you Mr Choi, I'll try to be there in half an hour." I said and rushed towards the mechanic while cutting the call.

Everything is because of that Arrogant jerk. As soon as my Mary got repaired I went to the building and parked her in the parking lot.

And went towards the receptionist she said the interview was on the 16th floor. I went towards the lift only to see the lift was out of service.

Damn it man all of this should occur today itself. The CEO, couldn't he fix this,he has lots of money. Okay Calm down. I want to scream Ahhhhhhh….

I didn't have any other option than stairs so I ran like a thief being chased by police anyhow I reached there.

She wasn't looking angry but I apologised and bowed 90 degrees. If it wasn't for my great balancing power I would've fell down on my face.

The interview went well. She didn't have an attitude like other women who were the CEO's girlfriend. How do I know? Well I have my sources.

She asked some questions but she was surprised by my honesty and curious about why I left the job at Jeon's.

"Why Is there any problem with the new CEO?" She asked.

"I can't work as a secretary for my own brother can I?" I mumbled to myself.

And told the reason. As soon as she was telling her decision about me the door opened i didn't even notice until she went towards someone who was there.

Then I turned my head and saw that Arrogant jerk. My eyes widened. Wtf?! What was he doing here?

As soon as he saw me his eyes also widened. And we both said in Unison "YOU?!"

Wait! Don't tell me he is the CEO of Kim Enterprises. Kim Taehyung. Did I argue with the KIM FUCKING TAEHYUNG a few hours ago?!

"Do you both know each other?" Ms Song asked.

Well yeah he is that arrogant jerk who broke my Mary's headlight. I can't say this in front of his girlfriend now, who is also my interviewer.

Even though I was nervous as he was the CEO, I was afraid of what he would do now. I confidently blurted out the thing which i was controlling not to.

"He is that Jerk who broke my Mary's headlight" I said and his eyes widened. He was amazed as I was calling him a jerk standing in his office as a candidate.

You should stop blurting everything out Sweetie..

"You! What are you doing here?" He asked.

"She is here for the interview. " Ms Song said.

"And did you hire her?" He asked, being a bit angry.

"Not yet, but I was going to-" he cut her off.

"You are fired!" His voice raised. I became angry as he was talking like i just tried to snatch his girlfriend. Yo man I'm straight I'm not into girls.

"I also don't wanna work with an arrogant jerk like you." I almost yelled and walked out.

Taehyung's Pov:-

The audacity of this woman to call me an arrogant jerk standing inside my office building.

I just fired her before even hiring her and again she replied confidently. Crazy woman.

I was controlling my anger. Then I saw Jiwoon. She was quiet the whole time but now she spoke.

"Look, tae I want you to go apologise to her and get her back and make her your secretary." I was about to yell something but she cut me off.

"I don't wanna hear any excuses. I know it's hard to love me but I've been there for you for the past 2 years at least you can trust me.
Other than that it's your choice the other candidates were sluts. If you want one you can hire one of those girls. I don't mind." She said with teary eyes. I felt sorry for her. I can't love her but I can apologise to that crazy woman.

I rushed out to see her mumbling something to herself and starting her scooty.

"Hey!" I called out. She turned around and looked confused.

"Umm.. I wanted to apologise. I.. I'm sorry." I said, She looked surprised.

"Woah, The Great I'll-rather-die-than-apologising-to-you is apologising to me" She said.

She can be sarcastic too.

"Why so suddenly? Are you on your periods? Mood swings?" She asked. The dumbest question somebody has asked me.
How can a man have periods? Idiot.

"Jiwo- ..My girlfriend wants you to be my secretary so i just wanted to tell, come at 9 AM tomorrow you are hired." I said and got back to the office. She is annoying, how will I work with her!.

Sweetie's Pov:-

He is such a gentleman i mean he just apologised because his girlfriend said to do so… how sweet but he is still arrogant jerk to me.

I went home as it was such a tiring day.

I went straight to my room just to be invited by my annoying brother who made my room worse than a garbage can.

"Hey Kook what the hell is this?" I yelled.

"Hii Noona. This is not hell this is your room can't you see" He said in a baby's voice. He is my little brother who has big muscles and tattoos but acts like a child.

"Just get your ass up and get out not before cleaning though" I said, already exhausted.

"I know you didn't get the job Noona. But don't worry you'll get it soon if you are this exhausted from your first interview then what about the rest of the interviews. You should get used-" I cut him off.

"I got the job" I said without showing any emotions.

"So.. wait! What??? YOU.GOT.A.JOB? When?where?how?"He said dramatically.

"It's not like I have become a millionaire. Stop acting like that and yes i got a job and I'll not tell where cause it's a secret" I said while smiling and he was dumbfounded not believing that i got a job just in one interview.

"I would've believed if you'd said that Jimin was actually dating a girl but you getting a job is a miracle." He said again being a little more dramatic. I glared at him.

"I don't think it's true you aren't even telling where you got the job so it must be a prank or a lie to win the challenge" He continued.

Making me extremely angry. Why would I lie? If I lose I'll accept it.
This Idiot always teases me.

"Believe it or not but I got the job and I'll definitely win the challenge. Just wait and watch" I said confidently and whenever I'm confident it means whatever I'm saying is true and he knows that so he cleaned my room and went to his room.

But the thing which is eating my head is,how he's going to treat me after what I've Said and done…

Calm down Sweetie he can't do anything until Ms Song likes you, he can't even fire you. I can't express how Happy I am….

I squealed and jumped on the bed to get some good night sleep.

A/n:- Hey I'm sorry i wasn't active...
But here I'll post more parts
And comment
Stay tuned!

The Untold TruthOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora