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Three weeks of this bullshit and Hotch has yet to say the damn words. He keeps refusing the same question I've about had it with him not guys name, or saying the word.

Reid hardly ever takes the blazer off and has refused to get any sleep. Not that I can blame him though. This case is hell and I just want to get it over with.

"Pretty boy, you should really get some sleep."

"Shut up." Spencer says.


"Shut up!" He says.

"Pretty boy."

"I'm not resting until he's back. He took my place and has now been gone for three weeks. I can't sleep until I know that he's back and alive." He says.

"He doesn't want you to die trying to save him though." Hell even Garcia hasn't been getting much sleep. She's been up about as long as Spencer has.

"I know, but I can't. I'll be fine." He says and Garcia walks in with breakfast and a lot of coffee. I give up trying to argue with him on this, because he and Garcia are set in seeing this through till the end.

"Get up." Katherine says.

"Another round of questions and answers?" Hotch say in a more joking manor. I'm amazed that he's been able to keep his phone alive this whole time.

"Yes. Are you hungry?" She asks.

"No. I've gone longer than this without eating." He says and I just listen dumbfounded.

"If I gave you food and something to drink, would you take them?" She asks.

"Only if you were to try it first and prove to me it wasn't poisoned." He says.

"Vey well." She says and snaps her fingers. The sound of a door opens and what sound like a tray is set down before the door closes again.

The tray must have been moved shortly after us was sat down because we all hear it his something again.

"Thank you." He says.

"Of course. I'll be back when you finish." She says and the door opens again for a split second before closing.

{Ten minutes later}

The door opens again and the tray sounds like it's swapping hands before the door closes again.

"Can you speak other languages?" She ask.

"Yes." He says and Garcia gets ready to trace his phone and triangulate the area.

"Care to demonstrate?" She asks.

"Not at all. Fermati. Fammi dormire. Обещаю всегда быть рядом с тобой, моя дорогая." He says and Spencer seems to understand that last bit.

"Say more in the second language. I can't quite place it." She says.

"As you wish. Я знаю, что вы все меня слышите. Это то старое здание на окраине города. Рид, отдохни немного. Скажи об этом и Гарсии. Остальная часть команды может прийти и найти меня. Я скоро вернусь." He says and I look to Reid for a transition.

Just as Garcia gets the location they both say. "The building on the outskirts of town." I get up and Spencer stays seated.

I leave the room and tell the rest of the team what's going on. David Rossi joins us and I look at Gideon for an explanation.

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