Being more open about it, but not telling

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When we walked into work Dave looked over at us and I nodded with a smile on my face and he smiles back at me.

Spencer and I walk over to the coffee pot as the rest of the team files in and Penelope looks over at us and she smiles wide.

I grab Spencer's hand and we walk over to talk to the others and Morgan looks at both of us for a minute and then turns to Penelope and asks her something and she nods.

I eventually have to go to my office and Spencer kisses my cheek and I smile as I make my way to my office to start working.

Soon there's a knock at my door and I see Anderson standing there.

"What can I do for you Anderson?" He walks into my office and I can tell that he still hasn't been able to muster up a lot of confidence, despite knowing I'm not going to say anything if he doesn't want me to.

"Nothing Sir, I just came to tell you congratulations." Anderson says and I stand up and walk over to him.

"Thank you Anderson. Is that all, or is there something else?"

"I was hoping to ask if I can leave early today." He says and I smile.

"Of course. Do you mind if I ask why though?"

"Can I shut your door first?" He asks and I nod. He shuts the door and we walk over to the couch and chairs I have. We sit down and he stars bouncing his leg up and down quickly.

"Anderson what's going on?"

"Gina got into a car accident on her way to work this morning. I was gonna try and work today and then visit her later. But I'm so worried." He says and I place a hand on his shoulder.

"Anderson look at me." He does so and I can see just how badly this is affecting him. "Even if you don't see me as family, I see you as family. All you have to do is ask to have a few days off and they're yours."

"What are you trying to say?" He asks.

"Go to the hospital and be with her. All I ask is that you let me know how she's doing."

"Thank you." He says and I nod. He hugs me quickly and I return it before he lets go and leaves. I go back to my desk and put him down for being out for a few weeks.

I look out and see Dave leave with him with his keys in hand Anderson tosses his keys to Spencer. I watch as he leaves.

The team looks at me and I motion for them to get back to work when Strauss walks into m office and hands me a file. She walks out and I sigh.

I wait for Dave to get back and then we all meet in the conference room. JJ explains the case and we all stand up to grab our bags and I wait for Spencer by his desk.

I grab his hand and run my thumb over the ring I gave him and then kiss his hand. Morgan notices this and looks over at Penelope for an explanation but she just smiles and waves as Spencer and I head to the elevator.

We wave back and get in the elevator before making our way out to the car. When we get in I start up the car and drive towards the jet.

When we get there we get in the jet and wait for the team. We sit in the couch and I lean into Spencer as we wait on the rest of the team and he runs his finger through my hair.

I smile and look at him and he smiles at me before kissing my forehead. I roll my eyes and chuckle.

We stay like that until everyone is on the jet and we get ready to take off. Morgan keeps looking at us and when we get done with the debrief Spencer and I change how we're sitting, and I lean against his chest as we both look over the file in my hand.

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