Taking a moment to talk

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When we all get back from our most recent case I look to dad and he nods. I slip away from Hotch's speech on getting out paperwork done.

I knock on the door to Penelope's office and it opens quickly. "Pen we're all back if you want to take a moment away from everything."

"I just thought that you guys had........" Penelope says and trails off. I open my arms for her and she hugs me instantly. "I was so worried." She says and I rub her back.

"I know. Dad said that Papa would be back home when we go home tonight. We can see if they want to do a movie night since they already invited us over for dinner."

She pulls away from me and smiles. "That would be nice." She says and I nod as we both walk out of the room and out to the others.

Hotch gives me a look of disapproval when he sees that I missed his speech, but immediately gets rid of it when he see that I went to get Penelope.

We walk over to Dad's office and knock on the door. He opens and motions for the two of us to come in. He shuts and locks the door and shuts the blinds.

"Penelope." Dad says and pulls her in for a hug. "So what's the plan for tonight kids?" He asks.

"After dinner we were wondering if we could watch movies together." Penelope asks and Dad nods.

"I don't see why not. I figured we would be doing that anyway, and had Papa get what we need." Dad says and we both nod.

"I'm going to go work on my paperwork." They nod and I unlock the door and slip out before locking it again and shutting the door.

I go to my desk and start to work on my paperwork, when Morgan looks at me and sits on the corner of my desk.

"Pretty boy, why did you and Garcia slip into Gideon's office?" Morgan asks and I sigh.

"It's none of your concern Morgan." He looks at me skeptically, but decides to let it go. For now that is.

"Is she okay? I know you went to go and check on her." He says.

"She's just shake up. She thought that we all had died and I went to assure her that we're all very much alive."

He nods and just sits there, debating to ask another question and I finish up my reports. I get up and grab his off his desk.

"Now wait just a minute, I can get my own reports done." He says and I start on his.

"I'm sure you can, but you're not doing them at the moment and I'm done with mine." He just sighs and continues to sit there.

When I finish with his I reach over and grab Emily's and start to work on them as well. "Reid!" Emily says but I just continue to work on them till I get them all done and grab all of the files and head to Hotch's office.

I knock on his door and wait for a response. "Come in." Hotch says and I open the door and walk over to his desk and set down all of the files on his desk.

I turn around and walk to the door. "Shut the door and stay here for a moment." He says and I shut the door and turn back to him.

"Yes Hotch?"

"Lock the door." He says and I do. I walk over to his desk and stand in front of it.

"Yes?" He looks up and sets his pen down.

"Why do you always do all of there reports and your own?" He asks and I stand there just rocking on my heels.

"They take forever to get them done and get mine done quickly. I just do it so they can get home."

"How is Garcia?" He asks.

"I went to check on her because she thought we all had died."

"Is she still with Jason?" He asks and I nod.

"Is there anything else you need from me?" He stays quiet for a moment.

"No, you all can go. Goodnight Reid." He says.

"Goodnight Hotch." I walk to the door and walk out and see that Morgan and Emily are already by the elevator with JJ.

I walk over to Dad's office and knock on the door. Penelope opens the door and Dad grabs his things.

She goes to her office to get what she needs as I walk to my desk and grab my bag. Then we all meet by the elevator and I turn to look at Hotch through his window.

He glances over and I wave at him to signal that we're all leaving. He waves back and then continues with his paperwork.

We get into the elevator and head down to get into our cars. We depart ways down there and then head to Dad and Papa's house.

When we all get there and park our cars Papa walks out onto the porch to greet all of us. Dad stands back and bit while Penelope and I jog up to Papa and hug him.

He kisses the tops of our heads and hugs us each before we pass him and walk inside. "Check what movies they've got for tonight."

"Already on it." Penelope says and I go to start setting the table. When I finish that I walk over to see what Penelope has set aside for us to possibly watch.

"What do you have for us?"

"Doctor Who and Alvin and the Chipmunks. The others are either ones we've watched before, or they just don't sound interesting." She says and I nod and we walk over to the table as Dad and Papa walk in the house.

We all sit down for dinner and enjoy a nice meal of pasta and wine. When we finish I clean everything up and Dad goes and grabs the snacks.

Papa and Penelope get everything set up for the movie as we walk over. When they finish we all sit down and start the movies.

{Half way through the second movie}


I lean over to Spencer and notice how distracted he seemed. "Spence are you okay?"

"Ya, I'm fine." Spencer says and I sigh.

"You seem distracted."

"It's just that when I was asked to talk with Hotch in his office for a while, he looked as if he wanted to say more but decided to just let me go home instead." He says.

"Have you said anything to him about you know."

"No, are you crazy? If I so much as ever think to do that, take my gun and shoot me." He says.


"Why not? We both know how it would end if I said anything." He says and I rest my head on his shoulder.

"You over think to much." He just laughs quietly and rest his head on my own.

"I wouldn't be me if I didn't." He says and I laugh quietly at this.


We watch the last of the movie and continue to eat the snacks that are left. When it finishes up I clean up all the empty snack bags and toss them out.

"We should get going." He says and we both hug Dad and Papa goodbye and head out to our cars.

I hug Spencer before heading to my car. When I get in I wait for him to back out so I can and then head to my apartment complex for the night.

When I get there and park my car. I yawn before getting out of my car and locking it. I head up to my apartment and open the door.

When I get inside and lock the door again, I go and take a quick shower, before getting changed and going to bed.

Because tomorrow there is more gruesome images to pass across my screen that I hope the team never deals with.

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