Dave comes back, but Jason leaves

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{Five years later}


I look around at the place as I settle into my new office. I look around and still see a few of Jason's things in here and I put them on the shelf behind me until I can get them home and give them back to him. 

I hear a knock at the door and I open the door to see Emily Prentiss standing there. "Hello, can I help you with anything?" 

"NoI just wanted to see if you needed any help with anything in here as you get your office set up." Emily says and I step aside. 

"I could always use the help." She smiles and walks in and takes a look around. 

"You keep it a lot cleaner than Gideon ever did." She says and I chuckle. 

"I can imagine."

"No I mean the room used to look so small until it got cleaned out." She says and I laugh. 

"Oh trust me I know. When Jason and I were having dinner after he got this placed cleaned out he talked about how much space there was when everything was clean." She nods and smiles as she helps me put things away and gets everything where it needs to be. 

{A few hours later after they got everything put away}

"It's nice to finally meet you properly Agent Rossi." She says.

"Like wise Agent Prentiss." With that she walks out of my office and I walk out behind her to join the others down in the Bullpen. Penelope and Spencer are talking with Agent Morgan and I walk over to get some coffee before joining them. 

When I walk over with my coffee Spencer looks at me and smirks. "What are you smirking at?" 

"You're drinking coffee and it's nearly noon." Spencer says and I roll my eyes. 

"Your point is?"

"Nothing, I just don't want to hear you say anything about me drinking coffee this late in the day." He says and I ruffle his hair a bit. 

"Pretty Boy your hair is a mess." Morgan says and Spencer glares at me before attempting to fix it.

"I think you're making it worse."

"It wouldn't be this way if you wouldn't have messed with it." Spencer grumbles and I take a drink of coffee. 

"Tell yourself what you want." I smirk and he grumbles more to himself until he gets his hair closely back to what it was. I look at him and he glares back at me so I grab his coffee mug and take it over to the coffee pot and fill it up for him before dumping sugar into it. I walk back over and hand it to him and he looks at it skeptically. 

"What did you do to it?" He asks and I take another drink of my coffee. He takes a sip and smiles. 


"Yes, thank you." He says and I nod. 

"What is going on?" Morgan asks, causing Penelope, Spencer, and I to laugh. 

"I messed with his coffee one time before and he hasn't trusted me to make it since." 

"You put almost 3/4th of a container of salt in it!" Spencer says and I roll my eyes.

"Oh I didn't put that much in. I only put in half a container." 

"It doesn't mater, it was still salt instead of sugar." He says and I smirk. 

"When did this happen?" Morgan asks. 

"Exactly two years, four months, twelve days, sixtine hours, forty eight minutes, and eleven seconds." Spencer says and I sigh. 

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