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I remember dreaming several times of this huge, enormous room that has tiles everywhere. Instead of a floor it's a pool that's so deep the water looks black, but if you concentrate in its depths you will see the shells of giant snails or snakes coiled up in the bottom. And if they're truly at the bottom then they're truly massive. The ceiling is also so high if you look up you get dizzy. Only way to walk across is on a tile path erected a little above the water, no bars to prevent you from falling. Oddly enough I loved how weird that place was and the uncanny feeling it gave me..

Actually, my dreams only consist of liminal spaces and no people around, it's just something about it that gives me so much comfort.. I don't have much dreams, but if I do, its something with liminal spaces, or simply a place with no people, that feel oh-so nostalgic, but I actually have never been there

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