Relationship Headcannons: Pt.1

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I'll let y'all decide how you met, I'm not good with coming up with that stuff lol


-Expect LOTS of teasing and flirting from this man. Let's be honest, Kaeya pretty much has the whole package. He's suave, handsome, tall, has a nice voice, etc. The worst part is that he knows it. He's aware of the effect he has on people, and on you. One of Kaeya's favorite things to do is make you flustered. Whether that be using pick up lines, whispering in your ear, or just kissing you randomly and act all innocent after.

- Even though Kaeya is very flirtatious and likes to tease, he's still polite and respectful of your boundaries. He only gets like that just to mess with you but never takes it too far. He absolutely adores you and will not hesitate show his love for you but will dial it back a little if you get uncomfortable. You appreciate that because you tend to get a little shy around him sometimes.

- Unfortunately as the Cavalry Captain, Kaeya is often busy so you two don't get to spend as much quality time as both of you would like to. But he always tries to make up for it when he finishes his duties early and has extra time. He'll show up at your door with a flower and tell you get ready because he's taking you out on a romantic date.

- Gifts aren't uncommon between you two. Kaeya likes buying you the things that you enjoy because of the smile you give him after he hands it to you. He loves to surprise you with jewelry or little trinkets while on dates. The gifts are also act as sort of an apology from Kaeya because he does feel bad that his work keeps him away a lot. You tell him he doesn't need to spoil you or anything to make it up to you but he often insists. So if you're the type of person that doesn't accept gifts..oh boy you better prepare yourself.

- He lets you play with his hair if you ask. He finds it cute and relaxing, feeling your fingers run through his hair. Kaeya even lets you do it up in different hairstyles because he's curious of what you'd do. One time, you put his hair in pigtails in his sleep as a prank. He woke up and noticed the different style but didn't bother to change it. He wasn't needed for work that day so he figured there was no reason to take the pigtails out if he was staying in. You have some really interesting pictures of him in your Kamera from that day.

- Don't bother asking him about what's under the eye patch. He'll just smirk and tell you that it's a mystery he'll leave you to solve.


- This man is literally clingy-ness incarnate. Like seriously. Good luck trying to get rid of him for even a second.

- Venti is definitely the affectionate type of boyfriend. And just like Kaeya, he is quite the flirt. He loves showering you with kisses and loving words. No matter what you two are doing or where you are, Venti is always sharing some sort of physical contact with you. He'll either be holding your hand, wrapping an arm around you, or leaning against your shoulder.

- Venti absolutely hates it whenever you leave the town for any reason. He'll do the puppy eyes thing and beg you not to go. You usually have to pry him off of you to even get to the gate. While he's waiting for you to come back, he tries to go on with his daily routine. Ya know, playing his lyre, writing poetry, going to Diluc's tavern and preform for the customers, get a little tipsy, etc. He's usually the first person to greet you when you come back because he'll wait by one of the trees in front of the gate.

- Venti loves to sing songs for you. Both romantic and silly ones. He's even written a song dedicated to you and plans to sing it to you on your birthday. If he's preforming in front of a crowd and sees you watching, he'll be extra dramatic and add his own flair to the story to impress you.

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