Voice line headcannons: Pt.1

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"Wine tasting is an art form. Mondstadt's wine is a gift from the Anemo Archon. It's only right that one should learn how to appreciate it."

- Kaeya makes it very known that wine is his favorite drink. And what better way to enjoy it than his lover having a cup with him. Any date you two go on, Kaeya always has a bottle of wine on the ready for when you two what to take it easy.

-Even though you don't drink often, sharing a bottle of dandelion wine with Kaeya is very pleasant. He seems more chill and relaxed when he drinks wine. He often likes to go on little rambles about things he enjoy. You never really understood why he was so passionate about that stuff but it definitely makes him happy.

- One time, Kaeya took you to a wine tasting event that was happening during a festival. He paid very close attention to what kind of wines got the most positive reaction out of you. Kaeya was taking mental note of them so he can be prepared for the next date.

"Let's go jumping in puddles and see who can make the biggest splash!"
"Let's wait till the snow gets heavier and have a snowball fight!"

- As you know, Venti is very playful person. Almost childlike. Simple things make him so excited. For example, rain puddles. He loves jumping in them and splashing around for no real reason. Everytime Venti sees a puddle, he can't resist the urge.

- He tries to invite you to join him but you usually decline. You're not the biggest fan of walking around in wet clothes, which is what ends up happening to the bard(not like he cares). He even gets a little sad when the rain stops because he wanted to play some more.

- The same thing happens when it snows. Venti loves having snowball fights. He sometimes cheats by using the wind to knock you off balance and attack you while you're caught off guard.

"Talking makes me tired. Talking is hard. But I have to try."

- Even though he has you and Lisa teaching him, Razor still struggles to say full sentences correctly. Just a few words takes effort. Razor often feels embarrassed when he stumbles on his words or doesn't know the right word to say. Since he technically is human, he should already know these things, right?

- You always have to reassure him that he's doing a good job and he has nothing to be ashamed about. Those words are comforting but they don't make talking any easier. There are days where Razor doesn't want to talk at all because it makes him tired.

- But the only reason hasn't given up yet is because of his lupical. Razor wants to be able to talk to you and all of his friends properly one day. He hates it when you have to translate what he's trying to say all the time. So he'll work hard to get better at talking. For his human lupical.

"Hey, wanna go talk to my dads for a bit? They tell the best adventure stories!"

- It's no secret that Bennett absolutely adores his dads. He talks about them everytime you two go out on a adventure. In his opinion, they were the best adventurers of their time back then. Bennett aspires to be just like them when he gets older.

- Sometimes after spending the whole day outside exploring, Bennett invites you to visit his dads with him. He always ask them to share their most awesome adventure stories so you could hear them from the source. They're all stories Bennett's heard thousands of times, but they never fail to leave him in awe everytime.

- Knowing that people like his dads decided to take in someone like him makes him all the more grateful to have them. Bennett sometimes worry that you'll get bored or sick of hearing him rambling about his dads but you're quick to reassure him otherwise.

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