Internal Darkness

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They ask what I want

Where I want to be

What I want to see

What I want as a job

My dreams and passions

 I can never answer honestly

How do i explain

That I'm not sure I even have a future?

How do I show that I'm struggling with the present?

My past haunts me

My present is destroying me

My future is unknown or gone

It's hard to live now

Going through years more of this is agony

I wish my pain would just end

But it doesn't

It makes me stronger

It makes me change so much more than I thought I could

For the better

It makes me feel alive

To know that I was able to get through the darkest of times

I didn't give up

Regardless of everything telling me to

You shouldn't either

Because no one else would give up on you

So why should you?

We each have our own internal darkness

All of ours different

 But it's not what defines us

It's how we cope with it that does

How we get through it

And if you're still trying

You're fighting as best as you can

And that's all you really need

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