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The month that either passes in a blur

Or moves on so slowly

Nothing exciting happening

Only one holiday

St. Patrick's Day

But who cares all that much anyway?

If they're pinched or not

I'm always hurt in one way or another

Regardless of if I wear green

Isn't it just so sublime?

There's nothing spectacular

It just causes my head to hurt

I just have to march my way through March

One day at a time

The days drag on

Nothing happens

It's dull from emptiness

Spring nearly here

But a month blocking the new season

A few important people to me

Born in the filler void between seasons

One long and gone moved

Leaving me to miss our memories

This month doesn't seem to exist

February seems to skip to April

My life still moves on

Unaffected from the non-existing changes

It doesn't seem to move anything in my mind

Because I'll only think of the friend I lost by distance

So, I ignore the month and life just keeps going

Almost as if I dreamed it all up

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