Love and Revenge

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People tell me what to write

What to feel

They say I don't focus on love in my poems

But how am I supposed to when I've never been in  love?

They want the romance poems

The ones that show how hopelessly in love I am

They want the heartbreak poems

The ones where I talk about how hurt I am from a breakup

They want the revenge poems

The ones that talk about how much I hate my ex

Yet they never let me write what I want

What I feel

How am I supposed to write about those things when I've never experienced it?

I've never had somebody want to be with me

Because they know I'm more trouble than it's worth

I wrote one love poem called Burning Fire

I felt like a liar

None of it was true

None of it happened

It was only for those who wanted it

They want the happy poems

The ones filled with sunshine and rainbows

Because they hate how negative I am

I didn't choose to be a pessimist though

It chose me

My pain made me into the very essence of a person I hate

If it's my fault for being depressed

Than surely it must be your fault for being happy

The logic makes no sense because it's nonsense

I write about relationships and friendships

But it's not what they want

But I refuse to write what they want to hear

I write want I need to say

And if it that bothers you

Then why are you reading this poem anyway?

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