chapter 1

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Bills Pov:

I've been in love with Stanley Uris since I was 13 years old.

The way his curly hair bounces when he moves his head, his eyes when they hit the sun just right, the way he always fixes his shirt when it wrinkles, I love it.

But I can never tell him that. None of the losers can know about my feelings for him. They wouldn't understand.

In the last three years, Stanley changed a lot. He got taller, he's at least six-foot now, he's gotten muscular, his hair faded to a lighter color, but he's still this awkward Jewish dork I've known since kindergarten.

As I ride my bike to school, Stan is all I can think about.

When I arrive at school, Stan is waiting by the bike racks for me.

"Hey Bill." He says to me. "Hey."  "Do you have the history homework done? I couldn't do mine last night."  "Y-yeah, I'll give you the p-paper when we get to my lock-locker."

I hate my stutter. I've had it since I was a kid. I got into a car accident when I was younger. Stanley has never made fun of my stutter.

We walk into the school and head to my locker. When we get to my locker I take off my backpack and give Stan my history paper.

"Dude, thank you so much, you're the best!" He tells me. "Yeah, no problem." I say smiling.

We walk together into class and we see Richie Tozier, one of the other losers.

"Where have you two been? Pulling each other's dicks?" He says, adjusting his thick glasses.

"Shut up, Richie." Stan says. We sat down at our seats and class starts.

The bell rings and we start walking out of class. While I was walking with Richie to our next class, we see Henry Bowers.

We try to walk the other way when he stops us. "Where are you fags running to?" He asks us. "Go to class, Henry." The teacher who was walking behind Henry said.

We get to science and Eddie Kaspbrak is there. "Hey guys." He says. "What's up spaghetti?" Richie tells him. "Stop calling me that, Richie." He said very annoyed.

*time skip to lunch because I have no clue what to put here*

Richie and I were talking about streetfighter while Eddie was eating and Stan was putting my history homework answers onto his paper since we have history next period.

After a little bit Stan gives me back my paper and I put it in my backpack. I look up to see Stan looking at me. I got instant butterflies.

But all that got ruined when he got a scared expression on his face and he yelled "Bill move!"

But it was too late. I feel a cold liquid pour down my head. I open my eyes and see that milk is poured onto me. I turn around and see Bowers behind me.

"That's what you get for being gay, asswipe." He said, throwing the rest of the milk at me. My shirt is completely drenched in milk when Stanley stands up.

"Come on, Bill." He says, grabbing my backpack for me. I get up and walk out of the cafeteria with Stan, ignoring all the laughs.

A/n: God this chapter is probably not the best, but I needed to post a chapter.

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