chapter 2

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(Still) Bills Pov:

We walk into a near bathroom and he starts to speak. "Hey don't worry about Bowers, he's just tryna mess with you." He said while taking a wet paper towel to my backpack to get all the milk off. I put my head under the sink and start pouring water on my hair so my hair isn't sticky.

Then, Stan turns to me and says "Take off your shirt." I immediately feel my face go warm. I'm probably really red. "Oh o-okay." I take off my shirt, exposing my stomach and chest.

Stan then takes off his hoodie, his shirt riding up a little bit, exposing his stomach. "My hoodies gonna be too big on you, hold on." He says. He then takes off his shirt.

We both stand shirtless in the bathroom until Stan speaks up: "You can wear this for the rest of the day, and keep the shirt for as long as you want." He then handed me his green shirt.

He starts to put his hoodie back on while I nervously put his shirt on. It smells a lot like him.

Right as I put my backpack on, Eddie and Richie come into the bathroom. "Thank fucking God, we've been looking for you." Eddie says really fast. "What were you guys doing?" Richie asks pointing at my shirt in my hand.

"I gave him my shirt, so he didn't have to wear that one all day." Stan replied. "Stop t-th-thinking like that, Rich." I told him.

As we all walk out of the bathroom together, Stan and I walk to history. I'm greeted at the door by the principal.

"Bill Denbrough, come with me." He says. I get scared and look at Stan. Stan looks at me and smiles. Not in the "ohh you're in trouble" smile, it's the "everything's gonna be fine" smile.

I walk into the office and I see Henry in the office as well. "Bowers, Denbrough, follow me into my office."

Stan's Pov:

I watch as Bill follows the principal to his office. I walk into class and sit down at my seat. While Bill is gone, the teacher collects the homework and gives us an assignment to work on as she's grading the homework.

About 15 minutes into class, the door opens, Bill is in the doorway, making his way into class.

"Bill, I need your homework." The teacher says. He gets out his paper and hands it to her and he comes over to me and sits down.

"What happened?" I asked him. "Bowers got sus-suspended for three days for what he d-did at lunch t-today."  "Damn, that's good. He doesn't need to be tormenting you anymore."

As soon as I say that, Bill looks at me and quickly looks down, his face growing a little red.

"Boys, no talking." The teachers yells at us. We continue to work on out assignment for 10 minutes until the teacher starts giving back our homework.

As she's handing out the homework, she finally comes to Bill and I and she gives us our papers. "I wanna speak to you both after class." She says.

We wait for her to walk away before Bill says "Shit." "Hey don't worry about it, it's probably just to talk about us talking in class."  "Then why would she g-give us our papers and then say th-that?" "Shit, you're right."

After class, we go to her desk to see what she wants. "You boys cannot be sharing homework answers. That is, I'm giving you both an F on this assignment."

"Wait that's not fair, I asked Bill for his paper, I didn't have time to do mine last night, just give me the F and give Bill the grade he deserves." I tell her. She and Bill both look at me crazy. And then she finally speaks.

"Alright, I'll be giving you the F, I hope you know I will be calling your parents about this incident, Mr. Uris."  "Okay, thank you, so much." I say. Then we finally walk out of class.

"You didn't have to do that s-stan." Bill says, looking down at the ground.

"Of course I did, I wasn't gonna let you get in trouble for me copying your stuff."  "Bu-but now your in troub-trouble."  "I'll be fine, I'll just tell my dad I was Torah reading last night and couldn't do my homework. " (A/n: I'm so sorry if I spelt it wrong, I'm not sure how to spell it.)

"Will he believe you?" Bill asked. "Most likely, besides, wanna come over later? I thought maybe we could hang out, we haven't hung out for a while." Once I said that he got red again.

'Why does he keep getting red around me?' I thought. "Uh yeah, I'm su-sure my parents won't mind, they don't re-really care about wh-what I do anym-anymore."

  "Alright, I'll see you after school, meet at the bike racks?" "Bike racks." He agreed.

A/n: I'm proud of myself right now. Two chapters in one night. Chapters kinda bad but that's alright.

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