chapter 4

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A/n: lots of pov changes in this chapter.

Stan's Pov:

Around 1am, we went to Bills house and quietly climbed through his window and grabbed some of his stuff. We got most of his stuff when we heard a toilet flush.

We quickly crawled out the window as fast as we could and started running towards my house. When we got inside we were out of breath, and laughing.

Bills lip was bleeding because he bit his lip hard while running. We went upstairs to my room. He grabbed a tissue from my desk and wiped the blood off his lip. He licked his lips to get rid of any other blood.

I take off my hoodie I was wearing and throw it in the laundry basket, and Bill does the same.

"I'll take the floor, y-you can have your b-bed." He tells me, I'll feel horrible if I let him sleep on the floor. "Or we could just share the bed, it's big enough." I tell him. "Okay." He said, nervously. Why is he nervous, he's never been nervous around me before.

I crawl into my bed and get under the covers, motioning for Bill to come over here and get in. He walks over and gets in and puts the covers over him and lays down, facing the other way.

"Good night Stan." He says. "Good night, oh, wait." He turns around quickly and watches me get out of bed to turn off the lights. I get back in and say "Good night, Bill." I turn and face the wall, and drift off to sleep.

Bills Pov:

I wait until I think Stan is asleep before I checked. He was. I face towards him, looking at the back of his head. I stay that way for about 5 minutes before he moves and faces me, still sleeping.

I look at how peaceful he looks when he sleeps. My heart beats a little faster. I carefully place a kiss on his forehead and drifted to sleep, still facing him.

Stan's Pov:

I wake up before Bill does. And when I woke up, I'm facing Bill. My heart starts beating faster, and I immediately look down to his lips. As soon as I catch myself, I sit up fast. I wipe my eyes and get out of bed carefully so I don't wake Bill up.

I decided to take a shower to clear my mind. I turn on the water and I get in, letting the warm water hit my body.

I can't stop thinking of Bill. Why did my heart start beating fast when I saw him sleeping? Why did I look at his lips? Could I possibly like Bill? Am I gay? It probably would explain why I've never had a girlfriend. Or that could just be because I haven't found the right girl yet? Or is my soulmate a guy? It would explain why I've never had a crush on a girl. Maybe I like both?

I finally stop myself from thinking too much about this, and get out of the shower. I forgot my clothes in my room, so I grab my towel and tie it around my waist. My hair is dripping wet.

I quietly open the door and see Bill is awake, sitting on my bed. He lifts his head up when he hears me open the door.

"Hey, g-good morning." He says turning a little red. "Good morning." I say with a smile. "I'll g-get o-out of the r-room so you can ch-change." He says getting up and walking towards the door. "It's fine, I don't really care." I say. "Well I gotta use the b-bathroom, anyways." He said walking out, shutting the door behind him.

I quickly got dressed so when Bill got back he had nothing to worry about. Bill came back and we went downstairs to make breakfast.

*time skip to school.*

All I have thought about was Bill all day. Why did I have those feelings for him at that moment? I do still have those feelings now. I don't know, it's very confusing. I need help.

Bills Pov:

I was walking out of the bathroom in 7th period when I got pushed into a locker. I fell to the ground and I look up to see Henrys goons.

"Hey, stutter boy, where's your boyfriend to help defend you?" Belch Huggins said. "This is for you suspending Henry." I felt multiple kicks to my stomach. And then everything went black.

I wake up to someone yelling my name. Then I feel hands on my arms and shoulders. I try my best to open my eyes. I open them a little but to see Stan standing over me.

It takes me a while to finally be able to move and open my eyes all the way. When I do, Stanley sits down and pulls me close to him, my head on his chest. He hugs me tightly, putting his jaw on my head, it's almost impossible to breathe.

"Bill? Are you okay? What happened? Who did this?" He keeps asking me the four questions over and over again. I don't really feel like talking, so we just say in this position and I cry.

We're like this for a while. I look up to Stan, his jaw is clenched and his eyes were watery. He looks down at me. "Who did this?" He said. "Belch." I whisper. "Who?" He asked again. "Belch." I say a little louder.

Out of no where, the bell rings and everyone starts walking out into the hall. I quickly get out of the position we were in and stand up. I stick out my hand to help Stan up, and he takes my hand.

He doesn't let go of my hand for a little bit. And then he does. "I, um, I'm gonna walk you to your next class, so you don't get hurt again." He says. 

A/n: this chapter is very detailed lol, but Stan is finally figuring stuff out, but hes confused as hell now.

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