chapter 16

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(WARNING! Mentions miscarriages, and a child birth accident, I will put warnings around it just in case it makes anyone feel uncomfortable.)

Bills Pov:

Here I am. Standing in front of a long mirror, looking back at me with a tux on.

We are 25 now. Stan asked me to marry him on my 24th birthday, and I said yes. The date is October 17th.

Let me catch you up. My mom killed herself shortly after I turned 18. I think it was because she couldn't handle my dad gone. Well, we still don't know why, she never left a note.

But anyways. Today is my wedding day. Stan is already at the alter, waiting for me. Beverly is walking me down the aisle since my mom nor dad are here.

Bev walks me down the aisle, as I see Stanley standing there, smiling uncontrollably. I see Richie and Ben standing on his side, Eddie and Mike on my side. Stan practically has tears in his eyes before I get to the alter.

The priest says his speech he is always supposed to say. (A/n: I totally forgot what everything about a wedding is called.)

"Do you, Stanley Uris, take Bill Denbrough, to be your husband?" He asks Stan. "I do." He says with a little smile.

"And do you, Bill Denbrough, take Stanley Uris to be your husband?" He also asks me. "I do." I say. "Now, will Georgie bring the rings?" The priest asks.

Beverly and Ben had a kid about 5 years ago, they named him Georgie.

Georgie walked over hand handed the priest the rings and handed them to me and Stan.

I slip Stan's ring on his finger, as he slips my ring onto my finger as well. "Perfect, now, you may kiss the husband." the priest says as Stanley gabs me by my face and pulls me into a soft kiss.

Everyone is cheering and clapping, Stan finally pulls away from me, and we continue our wedding night.

*14 years later*

Stan's Pov:

It has been 14 years since Bill and I had gotten married. We now have 3 kids together, our oldest child is a boy, and he is 12, our middle child is also a boy, who is 9, and our youngest child is a girl, who is 6 years old.

Beverly has been our surrogate mother for all of our kids. Ben and Beverly had 3 more kids after having Georgie, and she was a surrogate mother to Richie and Eddie's 7 year old daughter, too.


But, sadly, after giving birth to her and Bens youngest child who was born 2 years ago, Beverly passed away during child birth. The doctors say it was because she had given birth 8 times before she turned 37, and also, because she had 4 miscarriages.


We are supposed to meet Richie, Eddie, Ben, and Mike at Mikes house for a bbq. We get all of our kids ready for the bbq and head over to Mike's house.

We are the last ones to arrive. We see Ben with his kids, Georgie, Nicholas, Alex, and Summer, along with Eddie and Richies kid, Hailey, our daughter, Claire, goes over and plays with Hailey as our two other sons, Caleb and Ethan, stay with us.

Mike also has a wife and his own children now, Lucas and Braxton. His wife, Barbra, is the sweetest woman you will ever meet.

Well, here we are, 10 kids, and 6 adults. We all miss Beverly, and we still talk about her until this day.

(A/n: short and corny ass chapter, but I wanted to include their lives they had after they were teenagers and everything, and no, they do not return for IT to come back, he is fully dead in this fanfic, but anyways, this is the end of this fanfic, I'm really sorry for writing Beverly out of the fanfic like that, but something had to happen, anyways, thank you to all who read this fanfic, and I hope you enjoyed this, thank you.)

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