chapter 13

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Bills Pov:

I can barley get out of bed anymore. My father's death put a big weight on my shoulders. Stan has been there for me since the beginning.

It's been 2 weeks since my father died. The funeral is this Thrusday, it's Tuesday. My mom has been a wreck too. I've never seen bags as dark as hers under anybody's eyes. She hasn't been able to sleep, and all I do is sleep.

Stan has been helping my mom too, he helps her with cooking dinner, he helps her with the dishes, he helps her with laundry. He's skipped some days or school just to help my mom.

But when he's gone at school, I'm all alone. My mom locks herself in her room, she can't even face me anymore, I'm pretty sure she likes Stan more than me. I spend most my time in my bed, sleeping. There's some days I can't get up to use the bathroom.

"Hey, Bill, I brought you breakfast." Stan comes into my room and hands a a warmed up pop tart. "Thank you S-stan." I say. "How you holding up?" He asks, handing me the pop tart and sitting on the bed putting his hand on my back.

"I don't know." I just reply. "Okay, well, I'm heading off to school right now, I'll be back soon." He gets up and kisses my forehead. As he turns away, I grab his hand and pull him closer to me. I put the poptart on my desk and grab Stan's face with both my hands.

I plant my lips on his. We stay there for a while before Stan breaks apart. "I gotta go before I'm late, are you coming to school later?"

"I'm not s-sure, I d-don't think so though." I reply to him. "Okay, well, you have to show up some day soon, or else you're gonna get charges for truancy or they're gonna think you're dead." He responds trying to be funny.

"Maybe it w-would be better if I was." I respond in a serious tone. "Bill." Stan says disappointed. "Don't think like that, Bill." He said in a sweet and quiet voice. "Go to sc-school, Stan, don't be l-late." I tell him with a fake smile. "Okay, bye Bill." As he walks out.

Stan's Pov:

As I walk out of Bills room, I don't feel comfortable leaving Bill alone after what he had just said.

"Maybe it would be better if I was."

Those are the only words that run through my head. I poke my head into Bills mom's room and see if she is awake. she is sitting on her bed under the sheets, doing nothing.

"Hey Sharon, can you keep an eye on Bill today? I don't think he's doing the best right now." I ask her. I don't want to push her because I know she is going through the death of her husband.

"Yes, of course, he is my son after all," she says. "have fun at school today, Stan." I smile and walk out of the house.

I get to school and I see Richie in 1st period and I sit down to talk to him. "Hey Stan." He says, suspiciously calm. "Hey Rich." "How's Bill?" He asks. "Oh yeah, he could be doing better." He nods his head and looks nervous.

"Hey, what's the matter, Rich?" I ask. "Uh, I- I may or may not have fucked Eddie last night." He says bluntly.

Rich had told me about him and Eddie. They have been getting closer since mine and Bill's fight, and when Bills dad died. But I didn't know they were getting this close. "Really?" I say sorta loudly. He nods his head. "Yeah, I don't really know what to do, I mean, it felt right this time, not with the girl I slept with." He said.

"You topped?" I ask smirking a little. "Oh, hell yeah." He said, like it was obvious. "So, how does Eddie feel about this?" I ask.

"Oh, I don't really know. I uh, confessed to him drunk at his house last night, and then things led to another, and then that happened."

"So you don't know what his feelings are?" I ask. "Well, he kissed me after I told him and after a while he was messing with my waistband tryna pull out my massive cock." Richie said. "What the hell, Rich." I said as the bell rang and class begun.

*time skip to lunch*

Rich and I are sitting at our regular lunch table. Eddie is here today, but he's been ignoring Richie. I guess I have a pretty good idea why.

"Why is he ignoring me?" Rich said, whining. "I don't know Rich, maybe it's because you guys banged and he doesn't know what's going on now." I replied. "Did Bill ignore you when you guys smashed?" He asks me.

"Oh, well, we never-" Richie cut me off. "You never banged?" He said kind of loud. Suddenly, Henry Bowers is right behind Richie.

"Who never banged who?" He asks. "Did you faggots fuck?" "Shut the fuck up, Bowers." Richie said. That is the first time he has ever stood up against Henry.

"What the fuck did you just say you fucking faggot!" He yelled as Richie decided to swing first and fast.

Henry and Richie were fighting in the lunch room. Henry was now on top of Richie, pounding his face in, when a nearby teacher runs over and shoves Henry off.

"BOTH OF YOU, TO THE OFFICE, NOW!" She yells. Right as Eddie saw what Henry had done to Rich, he ran.

Richies face was covered in blood. I'm sure it wasn't all from the punching. Richies glasses broke and looked like there was glass shards in Richie's face.

I follow Richie and go to the office with him. "Can we just use the bathroom really quickly to get him cleaned up?" I asked the front desk lady. "Yeah, I'll tell the principal." she said as Richie and I walked off.

"What the fuck Richie?" I yell at him. "What." He says bluntly, like he doesn't feel anything anymore. "Why'd you do this?" I ask, grabbing paper towels and started soaking them. "Because." "Because why, Richie?"

I took off the frames of Richies glasses and lightly started dabbing his cheek with the paper towel. "He's fucked with us long enough, why can't we put an end to this bullshit." He says as he winces at a cut on his cheek I touch with the paper towel.

The cuts look like they go deep. Must have been when Henry was pounding in his face, the glass went further and further in. "Rich, I think you need to go to the emergency room. This is a lot of blood and the cuts look deep."
"It's just a few cuts." Richie says just as the bathroom door opens.

Eddie comes into the bathroom, with his inhaler clutched in his hand tightly. He looks up and sees us. "Oh, fuck, Richie, why did you do this." He says really fast, his eyes tearing up. "Because I wanted to." He says walking away from Eddie quickly. Eddie walks towards Richie again.

"What, Eddie, you've been ignoring me the whole fucking day." Richie snaps. "Richie, I-" He stops speaking. I take that as a sign. "I'll leave." I say, and walk out.

(A/n: Jesus this chapter is a long one, it's kinda mid but hopefully you guys like it, some drama is finna happen, so stay tuned.)

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