chapter 9

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Stan's Pov:

What the hell did he mean by "I don't think you will remember this tomorrow."? Of course I was gonna remember this. I've wanted to do that since the first time I did.

"What?" I ask. "Well, you're d-drunk, I don't think you would re-remember this tomorrow. I th-thought this was a one time thing." Bill said sadly. "Do you want it to be a one time thing?" "Well, no-not really." "Then it's not." I say quickly after he talked.

"Stan, if we weren't being timed in th-that closet, and we had t-time, what was g-gonna happen?" He asked. I remember what we were doing in that closet. Me hovering over top of him. His hands in my hair. I look down and blush a little. "Um, I don't know."

"Stan, I don't know if I c-can do this, you're with M-maria." He says quietly. "So, you don't want what happened in the closet to happen again?" I asked. Bill looked at the ground and thought for a minute, before he looked back at me. "I-I do, but, you have a girlfriend and if I was your b-boyfriend, I wouldn't be happy you were ch-cheating."

"Bill, I don't love her." I walk closer towards him and cup his face in my hands. "I love you." I lean in to kiss him, but he pulls away. "You're drunk Stan." Bill says. I could see the tears forming in his eyes.

"Bill, please don't cry." I take my thumb and wipe his cheek. "Stan, I'm g-gonna drive you home, and I'll t-talk to you tomorrow, come on." Bill grabs my wrist and quickly gets Bev so we can leave.

Bill gets in the drivers side, I hop in the passenger, while Bev crawls into the drivers side back. While we were in the car, it was silent. Bev finally speaks up. "Hey, can you drop me off at the motel, since you're heading that way?" "Yeah, of course."

We finally get to Bevs motel and it's just me and Bill. He backs out of the driveway, looking behind him, with one hand on the wheel, the other behind my headrest on my seat.

"You look really hot driving like that." I say, smiling. Bill looks at me but quickly looks back at the road.  "Stan." He says. "Yeah?" "Do you really l-love me?" I thought for a minute. I've never felt love before, I wouldn't know.

"I don't know, but I think I do." I hear Bills breath hitch. I slowly raise my hand and put it on his leg. I watch his face as he looks down at my hand nervously and quickly look back at the road. I slowly rub my hand on his leg. He then pulls over into an empty parking lot, and grabs my arm.

"Stan, w-we can't." He says, I can tell he wants to. "Yeah?" I say. I grab Bills waist and pull him onto me. "Jesus, S-stan." Bill pushes me down and crawls back into the drivers seat. "How do you expect us to do this when we can't go further than making out?" I laugh a little.

"Stan, you have a g-girlfriend." Bill says, looking out the window. It's quiet for a few minutes, Bill won't look away from the window.

"I'll leave her." Bills quiet for a minute but finally takes his eyes off the window. "Won't she out you if s-sh-she finds out?" Bill says looking at the steering wheel. "Yes." I say. Bill turns his head to the window. "But I don't care." 

"Stan, I'm d-driving you home." He says. "Bill. why aren't you listening to me?" I ask. He's quiet for the rest of the ride. We finally arrive at my house. All the lights are off so my parents are sleeping.

"Bill?" "Hm?" "Can you come inside with me? Just so I don't wake my parents?" I ask. He turns his head slowly and think for a minute. "Sure, b-but then I'm leaving." Bill gets out of the car. I open the car door, get out and Bill is standing next to me. We walk up to the door and I take my keys out of my pocket, open the door, get inside, and shut the door behind us, locking it.

We walk up to my room quietly. "Um, you can go now, if you want, Bill." "Stan. I th-think we need to talk, a-about this. All of this."

Bills Pov:

Stan's been trying to sleep with me all night. And I don't want to do it while he's drunk. I want him sober, where he will remember it, where he really wants to.

"What's g-going on, Stan?" I ask. "What do you mean?" "I mean, you've b-been ignoring me since I f-found you with M-maria, and outing you to R-richie wasn't my business, but, why all of th-the sudden, you c-care about me." My voice started cracking. I can feel my face warming up.

"I never didn't care about you, Bill." "Then why did y-you ignore me this whole time? Why did you stay w-with Maria?" I felt tears streaming down my face.

"I was stupid. I thought she was gonna tell everyone we kissed. I was scared for me, I didn't think of you at all, and I'm sorry." Stan looked like he was about to cry. "Did you ever sleep wi-with her?" I ask quietly. Stan looks at me and slowly looks down. "I wish I didn't."

I chuckle a little. "So y-you did?" I had rivers of tears run down my cheeks. "It's not what it seems like, Bill." "Stan, you slept wi-with her."

"I didn't want to, Bill, okay? She blackmailed me, she got drunk one night and she told me to sleep with her, and if I didn't she was gonna tell people about us." Stan had started crying.

"H-holy shit, Stan." I walk over to Stan and hug him tightly. He pulls apart from the hug, finally talking again. "We'll talk more tomorrow, you should get home so you don't get in trouble." "Yeah, okay." I say. Right as I'm about to open his door, he stops me.

"Bill?" "Yeah?" "Ever heard the saying, 'Drunk words, sober thoughts.'?" He asked me. "Yeah, wh-what about it?" "It's true."

(A/n: short chapter, I'm sorry, I couldn't really think of anything for this chapter, but I hope you like it. I am also planning on making a reddie fanfic that's a sequel to this one, so if you want to read a reddie fanfic after this one, yeah, lol, but all I am gonna say for the next chapter is, I'm sorry.

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