chapter 8

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Bill's Pov:

Stan invited me to a party. His girlfriends party. I thought about not going, because that would be rude to Maria. But I wanted to go because this could be my chance to talk to Stan.

Why did Stan do this in the first place? Does he even want to talk? Or did he just invite me there to get me jealous?

I've got 7 hours before the party starts. I decide not to overthink it and just go.

*time skip til after school and Bill is home*

"We're going to a party tonight?" Bev asks, eating popcorn. "Yeah, S-stan invited me, he told me I c-could bring you." I say, looking down at my homework on the table. "He knows I'm here? When did you talk to him?" "It all h-happened today. I don't know what he was th-thinking but he just invited us."

"Are you gonna talk to him?" "Maybe, I'm not sh-sure." I say, before finishing my homework.

*time skip bc I'm lazy and unmotivated<3*

As we drive to Maria's house, my stomach twists even more every block we get closer to her house. Finally, we get to her front door. The inside is loud, so we don't bother knocking, and just walk in.

We got inside and couldn't find anybody we know at first. We were at the drink table when I feel someone poke my sides. I turn around quickly and see Stan.

"Hey, did you just get here?" He asks. "Uh, n-no, we've been here for a while." "Well then, why didn't you come find me silly." He snorts a little on the word 'silly'.

"Are you okay stu-stan?" I ask. "Yeah, I just had a little to drink." "Stanley Uris drinks?" Bev chirped in. "Beverly!" Stan yells and goes in to hug her. she carries his weight a little bit.

"Eddie and Richie are probably in a bedroom upstairs. They will be happy to see you, go find them." Stan slurs a little. "Stan, let's get y-you upstairs, you look like your gonna be s-sick." I say, carrying him up the stairs a little.

"Bill, your eyes are really pretty." He says quietly. I blushed a little, but I finally got him to a room laying face down on the bed just in case he throws up. "Do you w-want me to go?" I ask quietly. "No, stay here." He says, rolling over on the bed. "Um, are you s-sure you're okay? You don't look th-that good." I say. "Wow, thanks for that." He smiles and punches my arm. "Stan." I say sternly.

"Bill, what happened to us?" Stan asks. "I did something h-horrible and I re-regret it and I've been sh-shitty to you." "I did shit too." Stan stays looking down at his lap. "I'm sorry." "Why are you sorry Bill, I've done shit two times as horrible as you, I'm sorry." "Stan."
I say before he looks at me. He looks at my lips, before we hear a knock on the door.

The door was open, we look over at the door and Stan gets up. "Hey baby." He says, walking over to hug Maria. "What were you two doing up here?" She asked not taking her eyes off of me.

"We were just talking. We're friends again." Stan says looking at me and smiling. "Okay, well, a lot of people have left for some reason, so it's just a few of us. We're going to play 7 minutes in heaven. You wanna come play?" Maria asks him. "Sure, yeah I'll come play, Bill, you coming?" Stan says and looks at me quickly. "Oh, yeah, sounds f-fun." I say. Maria mean mugs me. "Okay, well we're going downstairs now." She says before clutching onto Stan's arm tightly and starts walking out the door.

We all got into the living room. Eddie, Richie, Bev and some of Maria's friends were there. Maria sits down next to Stan and Stan offers me to sit next to him. Maria glares at me, before I decide to sit next to Bev.

"So, What happened with you and Stan?" She asks. "I took him upstairs b-because I thought he was g-gonna get sick, but he didn't. We talked and h-he looked at my lips like he was gonna k-kiss me, and then Maria came up and s-saw us." "She saw you guys kiss?" Bev whisper-yelled. "No, she just interrupted us when we w-were about to."

"Okay, who's ready to play?" one of Maria's friends asked. She sat the bottle on the floor and spun it. It landed on Stan. "Okay, Stan, spin again to see who you gotta be locked in a closet with." She smiled. Stan spun the bottle and landed on me.

I look up at Stan and he's looking at Maria. Who is looking back at him. Stan looks at ne and gets up, offering his hand towards mine to help me up. I take his hand and we walk over to the closet. Rich hands us a flashlight and we go into the closet. "Well, it's just me and you and you and me alone." Stan says. (A/n: MELANIE MARTINEZ REFFERENCE PLEASE SOMEONE GET IT)

Stan's Pov:

I'm locked in a closet with Bill. I don't really mind now. I've missed him so much. He was my best friend. I was kinda hoping more than friends before he outed me.

"Stan, I think we sh-should talk." Bill says. I'm mostly drunk, but I will remember this talk. "Yeah, I think we should." "I'm sorry for outing y-you, that wasn't my p-place to do it. I should have g-gaven you time." He says. the flashlight is in the middle of us.

"Bill, don't apologize. I got mad when you told me you were gonna go back home. I should have let you do what you wanted to do. And I shouldn't have brought up Georgie. That was really wrong of me. I also should not have tried hooking up with a girl." I say. Bill laughs a little bit at the last part. I've missed his laugh.

"I've missed you." I say. I grab his hand and I feel his hand shaking a little bit. I look up at him and he's already looking at me.

I know this is wrong. Cheating on Maria. But I can't help myself.

I lean in and press my lips hard on Bills. I can tell Bill is surprised but he doesn't pull away. He puts his hands in my hair and I lay him down. I crawl on top of him a little and I am now hovering above him. We kiss for a while before we heard a timer go off. I quickly get off of him and crawl over to the corner. Bill still laying down, in shock.

The door clicks with an open, and Maria and Bev are in the doorway. "How was heaven." Maria asks me in a snotty tone. She walks back to the rest of the group and we follow her. I see Bev talking to Bill all excited. "Maria, it's your turn." Josh, one of Maria's friends ask her.

She spins the bottle and it lands on Josh. She and Josh go into the closet me and Bill were just in, and the timer starts.

While we have time, I go to Bill and tell him we need to talk.

"What's up?" Bill asks. "I-Im sorry, Bill, we gotta keep this secret. Maria will freak out and tell everyone if she finds out about us." I say. I feel horrible telling him to keep this a secret, but I don't think I'm ready to come out yet. "Yeah, of course, you were d-dr-drunk a-anyways, don't think you will r-remember it tomorrow." Bill says, and walks away.

(A/n: Lots of drama in this chapter. Ngl it's not the best chapter but I've been really busy and this was all I could think of. I feel horrible and I think I'm gonna get sick, so I might stay home from school tomorrow, depends on how I feel. if I do stay, I will be editing tomorrow, so yeah. hope you like the chapter <3

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