chapter 10

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(*Mentions rape, I will put a warning before and I will tell you when that part is over.*)

Stan's pov:

I remember everything last night. From the party, in the closet, driving home, when he stopped the car in a parking lot, when we got to my house, everything.

I feel bad for hurting Bill the way I did, or still am. I remember telling him what happened with Maria that one night, I didn't want to make him feel bad for me, but I couldn't lie to him again, I had to tell him.

But of course, I woke up with a massive headache this morning, can't be mad though, I did this to myself. I don't even know why I decided to drink, Maria just handed me a drink and I drank it. Should have stopped at that one, I didn't.

I was meeting up with Maria in an hour to break up with her, I want to talk with Bill before I do anything else with him. I felt like I was forcing him all night, I feel bad about it.

Soon, it was time to meet up with Maria. I walked over to her house and knocked on her door. Her little brother opened the door. "Hey Lucas." "You here for Maria?" "Yeah." "Oh my god Lucas go away!" Maria yelled at him as she appeared around the corner. "Hey babe." she said kissing my cheek. "Hey."

We start walking around Derry before we finally stop at a gas station.

"Hey Maria?" "Yeah?" "Um, I-I think we should, break up." I said quietly. "What did you say?" "I said I think we need to break up." I say, loud enough for only her to here. "What? Why?" she seemed really mad. "What did you do in the closet with Josh, last night?" I ask. "What did you do in the closet with Bill last night?" She raised an angry eyebrow. "I asked you first."

"Well, we're breaking up anyways, I kissed him." She admitted. "Exactly. That's why we should break up."


"If you break up with me right now I will tell everyone you raped me." She said bluntly.  "You know that's not what happened." I say angrily. "If anything, you assaulted me."


"Well who are they gonna believe? You or me?" She said smiling a little. "You're a selfish bitch, you know that, Maria?" I say. finally walking out.

I walked to Bills house and knock on the door quietly. Bill opens the door wearing only pajama pants. "Oh, Hey." He said. He looked like he just woke up. His hair was messy, and his voice was deep. "Can we talk?" "Yeah, come in, my p-parents are at work." He says.

I walk in and we awkwardly stand in the kitchen. "I'm gonna go gr-grab a shirt real q-quick." He says. He runs upstairs and comes back down, pulling his shirt down his torso.

"How's your head?" He asks. "Oh, uh it hurts a little, how did you know my head hurts?" "You dr-drank a lot last night, you l-look rough and you had a h-hangover." I laugh a little.

"Why d-did you drink last night?" He asks. "Oh, Maria handed me a cup and I guess I just drank it." I admit. He looked down at the ground.

"I broke up with her." I say. He shoots his head back up. "You did?" "Yeah, she wasn't really happy with it, said she was gonna tell everyone that I assaulted her." "Wait, w-what?" "Yeah." "She's gonna tell everyone you assaulted h-her?" I nod.

"Stan, you know you c-could get arrested for that?" "I know, Bill." "Then why d-didn't you stay with her? Sh-she could put you to jail!" He yells. "I don't love her." "That doesn't m-matter, she's gonna have you arrested for n-no reason!" "Love drives you crazy." I say, looking up to Bill.

"Stan, I don't w-want you getting arrested." Bill says. "Bill, it will be fine, I got this." I say, reassuring him.

"Bill?" "Yeah?" "Why did you put a shirt on?" I ask, as he turns bright red. "Be-cause of last n-night I d-did." He said, studdering a lot. I've made him nervous.

"I made you nervous." I say, smiling. "Stan." Bill says. "Yes?" I say, walking closer to him. "Wh-what are you d-doing." He says as he tries to back up more, but he backs into a wall.

I lean forward and whisper in his ear. "Whatever you want." I say. I pull away from his ear and see him look down at his feet. "Stan, m-my parents are g-gonna be here soon." I take a few steps back. "Sorry." "It's okay." He says.

*time skip because this gets interesting*

*one week later*

Bills Pov:

Stan and I are secretly dating now. Nobody knows, not even Eddie or Richie. We've been keeping it low just in case Maria says anything.

We were sitting in class, before the door opens. Two police officers and the principal walked into the class.

"Stanley Uris?" "Yeah?" Stan said. "Stanley Uris you are under arrest for sexual harassing Maria Jade,  whatever you say can and will be used against you in the court of law, you can have an attorney, if you cannot afford one, one will be provided for you, do you understand?" They stood Stan up and put him  in handcuffs.

"Stan." I say. Stan says nothing, and just like that, Stan is no where to be seen, and left the whole class speechless.

A/n: Short chapter, it's not the best but one needed to be posted, I feel bad for not posting in a while, I've been so busy with everything going on in life, and I am hurrying to make another chapter, but I don't know when the next one will be posted, thank you for being so patient!

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