Chenle - Wait for me, angel

791 13 3

I'm tired 😫

Dear Y/n,

Wow, where do I even begin?
Well first, how are you? are you happy? I hope you are.

I miss you lovely- every day, and I love you and I have since the first day we met,

I still remember it all so clearly- I was in a coffee shop waiting to order when you suddenly came along and spilt coffee on me- accidentally of course.

I still remember the look of fear and embarrassment on your face- it was priceless. You apologised multiple times even when I kept telling you it was fine until you dragged me to the bathroom and tried to clean my shirt, but failed miserably- that was one of the best days of my life. Why? Because it was the day I met you.

And it only got better from then- all the time we spent together and all the places we went were countless and unforgettable.

Like when we went to the amusement park that time when I was terrified of going on one of the rides, but you encouraged me and helped me, and only you would be able to because you make me feel safe.

And the time when we went to the cinema to watch that movie and we got kicked out because you got up and started shouting at the screen and threw your popcorn on that old guy's head- it makes me laugh every time I remember it.

Even the simplest memories we shared, like when we'd have picnics, go on walks or even just cuddle, they all mean the world to me- You mean the world to me.

Because you are amazing- you're the kindest most beautiful person I've ever met and I'm so lucky to have you in my life.

It's the little things about you that mesmerise me, like how your e/c eyes sparkle when you see a cute animal and your wide smile brightens up the room, how your laugh makes everyone else laugh, and how caring and considerate you are when most of the world don't deserve it.

Your presence alone makes my day 10× better and I don't know what I ever did to deserve such a beautiful, incredible soul like you in my life.

You're a walking ray of sunshine and you have turned my miserable world upside down.

My life was miserable before I met you. I was never happy and was always annoyed by everything. I hated going outside and much prefered to stay indoors, watching tv- but that's all changed.

Now, I feel more alive and I'm always happy and positive when I'm with you, or even when I'm not- the mere thought of you being in my life makes me feel euphoric.

I love going places with you. I'd go anywhere and everywhere, even explore the world if it was with you. You have no idea how much you've changed my life for the better and I'll be forever grateful for that.

I'll be forever grateful to you for everything you've ever done for me.

I love you so fucking much- I've always loved you and I always will. You have no idea how much you mean to me.

I miss you so damn much and I can't wait to meet you again and then we'll be together forever.

But for now, I hope you're happier in a much better place and you can finally make peace in the place you deserve to.

Just know, I will always love you and we'll meet again soon, I promise.

Your dearest,


He looked at the damp letter that was stained by his tears before reluctantly, placing it on her grave along with a bouquet of her favourite flowers, while smiling sadly,

"Please wait for me, angel"


Damn, this is sad-

《𑁍𝐍𝐂𝐓 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬𑁍》Where stories live. Discover now