Buddys Rendezous

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Small TW; Small mention of anorexia, starvation and body image. Drug Use. Attempted suicide. Self Harm.


"Here, take these. They'll help with the headaches." The clerk lady handed a small bottle of pills to you, smacking on the gum in her mouth as it lost all of its flavor.

You took it reluctantly, feeling you had no choice. "Uh, thanks. Have a nice day." You faked a smile and turned around to walk out of the CVS.

The week had finally ended, and it was after school on a Friday afternoon. Also the day you needed to pick up some prescriptions that were prescribed to you by Doctor Smith. You also had to see her today, which you weren't looking forward to.

It was draining to have to tell her every little detail in your life. That your a fucked up crack baby who is barely communicating with any of her friends and family, that your boyfriend moved on so quickly from you.

Well, ex boyfriend.

Yeah. Halie was Vance's new girlfriend. You didn't like to call her that, she's probably just a rebound to keep his mind off of you. He'll most likely break up with her soon, if you're lucky. You wish you didn't chicken out the other day and just talked to him. You hated yourself for that.

You also hated the fact you had to walk all the way to CVS because your dad wasn't home. You thought he'd be serious about the whole staying home during the day but I guess not. He never sticks to anything, so now you have to walk home as well.

While you walked down the sidewalk a car pulled up by the parking lot of the CVS and the window rolled down. "Y/n." Holy sweet mother of God.

You looked at him and awkwardly stood there, frozen. "Hey, need a ride?" He unlocked the car door so you could get in, but you were so close to bolting away. But did you really wanna walk? This was a tight situation.

You hesitated but nodded silently before walking around the truck and getting in the passengers seat. You shut the door carefully and put on your seatbelt while looking out the window as he drove away from the CVS.

It was silent, neither of you knowing to say to one another. You turned your neck to look at Vance, who's hair looked a bit shorter. His eyes were still the same pretty shade of blue and his nose was perfect, his lips looked less dry and he looked healthy. Better.

It must've been you then. When he was with you he was horrible. It was your fault. Halie was right. You wanted to punch the window.

You wondered if you looked any different to him, or if you looked the same since the last time he saw you. Drained, tired, frail and terribly thin.

Vance looked at you and you instantly turned away. He smiled and turned back to the road. "Like the haircut? It was getting too long, but it's still as curly as it's always been."

"I guess." You leaned your head on the window and sighed. "New car?"

"Sort of, this is my uncles rusty old hand me down." Vance patted the steering wheel and looked at you, who looked back at him. Vance frowned a little and turned to the road. "You look tired. Have you been getting any sleep?"

"Just shut up and drive, Vance. You don't care."

"But I do care, Y/n. I love you."


"Y/n, I had a reason to break up with you."

"Shut up."

"We needed to, we were both toxic. You think I wanted to? That was the last thing I ever wanted to do."

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