Chapter Sixteen; Friday Night Dinner

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A curly piece of blonde hair glides across my face like a blade. My eyes flutter open slowly, and I see Vance stand up from the bed.

"Sorry," He whispers. "I was kissing your cheek."

The day wasn't hardly starting, but it wasn't finishing either. It appeared to be in the middle of the day, the sun resting in the middle of the sky like a beaming star.

I look at the beautiful man before me then look at the clock on my desk. "Are you leaving?"

"Yeah, I have a job interview today."

"Right now? Can I come? I'll get dressed."

Vance softly pushes me back onto the bed and kisses the top of my forehead. I take a deep breath and smile.

"I don't think I can bring my girlfriend to my job interview. But, thanks for the letter of recommendation. I'll come by later, 'kay?"

I nod and then watch him leave. I think about the loneliness I now have to endure, but then remember I have an annoying sibling type pest right next door.

Once I am sure Vance is gone I slip on some different clothes and go to bother Adrien, but Adrien isn't in his room. Disappointment lingers inside of my for a second until I hear a familiar jingle of keys. I race down the stairs and smile at my dad, who's setting his very important but probably empty brief case on the kitchen counter.

"Hey, kiddo." He smiles and we hug for a quick second until we're sitting down at the counter.

"Hi, dad. The place looks great, I see you've been put to work."

"Who me? Oh no. No, no. Absolutely not, I hired a maid to come in four days a week to tidy up the place."

"Oh, wow. A maid, dad, really? What, is there a cook now?"

"Certainly. They'll make you anything. In fact, do you want some breakfast?"

I almost feel like laughing in his face but he's dead serious.

"So, you're for real? You're serious?"

"As a heart attack."

"Okay, then. I'll have a bacon, egg, cheese and avocado sandwich, please."

Although I'm being catered to and my father is actually home for more than five minutes without being called back into work, I couldn't stop thinking about Vance today. Maybe it's because of how beautiful he looked this morning. The sun made his hair look golden, and his lips were soft and his eyes. Don't even get me started on his eyes. And he was looking at me. I thought I might die before anyone that beautiful would ever look in my direction, I would just turn straight to stone.

"Dad," I say, mouth full of breakfast. "I think I'm lovesick this morning.

"Lovesick? That can't be." He puts the back of his palm on my forehead. "You can't be lovesick until you're 36."

I giggle softly and roll my eyes, then take a sip of my orange juice that was juiced straight from an orange. It tastes funny.

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