Its A Boy

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"Y/n! You look adorable, I just wanna pinch your cheeks."

"Touch me and you'll be sorry." I hissed, watching Aunt June back away and lift both of her hands in surrender. I glared as she walked past so I could greet the rest. I desperately needed to get away but I was put to address family at the door until everyone arrived.

Today is finally the day we find out the gender of the baby growing inside of my mother's abdomen and I hope it goes by fast and quickly. I tapped my foot impatiently out of annoyance. Mostly because I don't know half of these people or can't remember and this dress I have on is incredibly itchy. I should've put on something normal, what's the point in dressing up for these things?

I look around for a second and spot Adrien trapped in a tight hug and smile at him. He awkwardly smiles back and shuffles out of Wendy's arm. I think she's one of our older cousins. Once she walks away Adrien quickly approaches me and lets out an exasperated sigh.

"Her boobs were squished against my chest and I'm pretty sure she got surgery done this year. It gives me the heebie jeebies."

I chuckled and closed the front door since that seemed to be everyone. "I need to get away. Is there a phone anywhere near?"

"You gonna call Vance?" He asks. "Why didn't you just invite him?"

I shook my head. "No. There's absolutely no way I'm introducing him to my family and yours. Would he have even wanted to come?"

Adrien shrugged. "Hey, at least you have me." Adrien softly nudged me with his shoulder, then leaned down close to my ear. "Maybe we can get away later." He whispered then walked off.

That scared me a little. If he tries to pursue me in any way at all I shall reject him, but what if I don't? What If I am manipulated by him and his devious ways? I must collect myself and just simply forget about it.

I approach my mother who's sitting on a comfy throne while holding her belly. She smiles at me and takes my hand, squeezing it tight.

"There's food over there, mouse if you're hungry." She pointed to where everyone else, including Adrien, were grabbing some appetizers.

"No, I'm looking for a phone."

"Oh. Well there's just one in the hallway where the bathrooms are."

"Thank you." I make myself scarce and walk right past Adrien while pulling my dress down. It was a little tight and I wished it would stop lifting in the back.

Once I made it to the phone I dialed Vances house number and waited for him to pick up while leaning my head against the door.


I smiled and my entire body perked up. "Hey, it's me."

"Oh hey. You having fun?"  He sounded happy that I called.

"It's alright here. Just a regular old baby shower."

"I'm thinking about you." Vances voice caused chills to run down my spine. "When will I see you?"

"Whenever I can get away." I sighed heavily at the chances. "As soon as I can, okay?"

"I'm counting on it sweetheart." I could feel Vances smirk through the telephone and he hung up, leaving me titillated. My hand shook as I reached to hang up and walked away, bumping into Adrien once again.

He stood over me like a moron and I rolled my eyes. "I'm starting to dislike these meetings of ours, Adrien."

"My bad. Just needed to use the telephone." He rushed past me, our shoulders brushing together lightly.

Ultraviolence | Vance Hopper x Reader - The Black Phone FanFiction Where stories live. Discover now