20 - Tired (Huntress x Meg)

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(I stopped outing pictures since it's so hard to find them)

Meg was running for her life. Literally. The Huntress was chasing her, and not slowing down. She threw a hatchet, and it hit Meg square in the back. Meg screamed, and her speed altered.

The Huntress was closer now. She was speeding up, or Meg was slowing down. The Huntress threw another hatchet, and downed Meg. Meg screamed as she fell to the ground, and she was picked up and thrown over the brute's shoulder.

Luckily, Claudette was there and she saved Meg using her flashlight. The Huntress growled and threw a hatchet at Claudette, missing her by centimeters.

Claudette drags Meg to a nearby tree, and helps her sit up. "I'm sorry, I don't have a med kit, I can't help. I'll find someone who can." And Claudette ran to find someone.

Meanwhile, the Huntress watched from a few feet away, her lullaby quiet, so quiet Meg couldn't hear. She advanced on Meg, and eventually was standing over her.

Meg was exhausted, so when she looked up and saw the killer, she threw her head back against the tree trunk. "Just, get it over with. Kill me, whatever."

The Huntress just stood there, and eventually say down right next to Meg. Meg didn't care, her breathing was heavy, and she was tired. Her head started to fall to the side, and her eyes fluttering shut.

Her head fell onto the Huntress's shoulder. She was too tired to even know, as she started to fall asleep. The Huntress just put her arm around Meg's shoulder.

"Meg! I couldn't find anyone with..." Claudette stopped at the sight. She stepped back when she saw the raised axe of the Huntress, and she nervously smiled at her. "I-I'll leave you two be now."

She ran away, finding a gen to do, while the Huntress just held Meg closer.

This was the one time the Huntress didn't get any kills, but the Entity didn't mind.


It can ship people too!

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