36 - Popstar (The Shape x The Trickster)

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This is set in modern time, and no game, no entity. It's normal life. Well, some people do still kill people, that will never change. ANYWAY-
Also, I didn't come up with the idea. My brother did. He doesn't own wattpad but loves to come up with ideas. So credits to him. This is also probably really cringe. So I'm sorry.

Michael was scrolling through Instagram, ever since Danny introduced him to it he's been kind of addicted. He even posts a few times, mainly because he makes his own masks and shows them off on Instagram. He is scrolling when he comes across a rather eye catching person.

He has blue hair, and the most piercing yellow eyes. Michael decided to watch the reel. When the thing started playing, he heard a beautiful voice come from the bluenette. "My parents sold me to a preacher, now I miss my mom and dad." Michael was hooked already.

"I heard they joined a cult, they say 'mass suicidal death'." Michael loved the way his voice sounded. "I'm locked inside this church. They say the prophecy's foretold." Michael watches as the piercing eyes seem to stare at him. "Strapped to the alter, I'm the sacrifice they owe~"

The video cut off. Michael looked at the name of the person who made it. The username said 'Trick_Star'. Michael hit it, and spent a while looking at photos and reels and liking just about all of them. He then hit the follow button and left it at that.

He decided to make a post on his recently made mask. It was black on half and white on the other. It had red around both eyes, and paired with his jet black contacts, he took a photo and posted it. After a few minutes, the post was blowing up. Michael looked at all the likes, how can that be possible? He just posted it.

He looked through the 50 comment there was so far, one catching his eye.

Trick_Star Amazing! You are great at making these! I seen all your other posts, and they were awesome!

He looked at all the other comments before liking just that one.

AxeThrower Amazing like always dude.

ELECTRIC!_BOOGIE How do you even make these?

4facedasshole Man, you gotta make me a mask sometime.

Ghostyboi Awesome man! It looks so cool with those contacts!

Those were only the ones from his friends, he doesn't know any other of the people who commented. A notification popped up on his phone. It was a message from someone. He looked at his Instagram messages and sees a new one. From Trick_Star.

He opened it up.

(Bold is Mikey boi, italics is our favorite trickster)

You look amazing I'm those masks. Love the contacts and art. You make awesome artwork with those masks.

Oh thank you

Yeah, I saw you liked my posts. All of them. Stalker much?

Sorry I just really liked all of them

Nah, it's fine. I wonder though, what do you look like without those masks?

Um ugly

Don't say that. Everyone is beautiful in their own way.

Not me

You look great in those masks. I bet you would look even better without it. ;)

Michael paused. Should he do it? He never would for anyone else. But he feels as if he can trust the stranger.

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