45 - Hurt (Ghostface x Michael)

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It has already been a very long trial. It's been going on for an hour now. Ghostface wanted to end it. But he didn't give up. The survivors were stupid yet smart. Stupid by going back to the gens that were regressing, and smart enough to know how to evade our Ghosty Boi.

He just wanted to sleep. And never wake up for a good while. But that wouldn't happen. He was currently stalking Dwight, the weakest of them all. He jumped out, not realizing that Dwight somehow had a pocket knife. Ghostface got stabbed. Right in the arm. He dropped his knife, clutching the bleeding arm in pain.

A claw emerged from the ground, and Dwight was impaled. The trial immediately ended. No one won. The entity was not pleased. He was definitely going to punish Dwight for that.

Ghostface could've sworn he heard a faint whisper on the entity saying its apology, but maybe not. He is crazy after all...

He walks along the trail to his living space, a little cabin in the woods. He lives alone, to his dismay. Sometimes though, one of the killers would visit, like Amanda or Anna, even Ji-woon. He walked in, gripping his arm tight.

He look up from the ground, and to his surprise, there was Michael standing there in his house, all silent and mysterious. He looked at Ghostface's arm, then points to it.

"Yes Michael, I'm fine." He says, walking further into his house. Michael follows. He follows Ghostface all the way into his room, sitting on the smaller boy's bed next to him.

"Michael, I don't need help." Ghostface says, being stubborn like always. Michael shakes his head and grabs a medkit. He grabs Ghostfaces's arm, a little roughly, but he doesn't know better. He tries to be gentle, and this was him being gentle.

He rolled up Danny's sleeve, and saw the stab wound. He took out a tissue and started wiping away the blood. He looked through the medkit, finding no way to disinfect the wound. So he got up and went to the bathroom. Michael wet a soft rag he found in hot water, then walks back and dabs it on the wound.

Danny winced. And Michael pulled back. He didn't want to hurt the other, and he didn't mean to just now. After a minute, he slowly started treating the wound. He grabbed some medical string and needle, starting to stitch up the wound. The killers were used to this, pain was a thing they have come to accept and bear.

Once he was done, Michael waits for an explanation. Ghostface knew Michael wouldn't leave until he got just that, so he explained what had happened. Michael, who was still holding Danny's arm, was furious. His gripped tightened a painful amount, and Danny flinched and pulled back.

Michael, realizing his mistake, immediately got up and back away, shaking his head. He didn't mean to hurt Danny. He didn't WANT to hurt Danny... But he did. In his eyes, that little bit of pain, was unforgivable.

Danny reached his hand out, but Michael was already gone. He got up, holding his arm, and ran after him. "Michael?! Where are you?!" He shouts, walking deeper into the forest surroundings.

He heard heavy breathing nearby, and went towards it. He found Michael, sitting down on a stump with his head in his hands. "Mikey..." He said, causing the bigger to jump. It was so unlike Michael. He went over and sat next to him.

"You didn't hurt me..." Danny says after a little bit. Michael shook his head, in a way of saying he did. "Mikey, you were trying to help. I understand you didn't mean it. And I forgive you." Michael suddenly hugged the smaller boy, and Danny could feel tears coming from under Michael's mask.

Danny comforted him. He hugged Michael tight, rubbing his back in a soothing way. After a few moments, Michael slipped his mask off and gave Danny a kiss on the forehead.

"I love you Mikey..." Danny says, then he laid his head on his chest. Michael made a heart shape with his hands, hoping it would get through the ghosty boi that he loved him back. And it did. It most certainly did.

I feel like I should do a pyramid head one. But I have no one to ship him with. Also, this was a requested one-shot, so here ya go! Also give me ideas on who our boy with cake should be shipped with!

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