32 - Hard Work Pays Off (Trapper x Dwight)

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Dwight spawned in, and he realized he was in the Memorial Institute. He spawn in with Ace next to him. Dwight slowly walked into the memorial, seeing a gen right away, and Jane working on it. He went to help her, but as soon as he got working Jane left. Dwight stopped for a moment. He couldn't believe it.

He went back to working, until he heard his heartbeat ring through his ears. He got up and ran away, the heartbeat seeming to fade. Dwight sighed, as he heard Jane getting hit by the killer. He rushed over to try and save her, but he saw a gen on the way.

Seeing as no other gen was done, he started working on it. Soon, he completed it by himself. Only 4 more.. He thought to himself. He heard another scream, and this time it was Jane getting hooked. He ran over and unhooked her, even though the killer was close.

He healed her up and stood. He noticed a gen across the room, and ran for it. he expected Jane to follow, but she didn't. Dwight sighed as he started working alone. He was half way done when he heard Ace getting stuck in a bear trap nearby. He continued working, not letting the heartbeat and scream distract him.

He smiles as the gen roared to life. 2 down, 3 to go. He hoped that someone else was working on other gens. He walked around trying to find one, but he didn't. He couldn't have any luck finding one. And he noticed that none other has been completed. He walked further, not noticing the bear trap on the path ahead of him.

He screamed as a sharp pain shot through his ankle, immediately trying to get it off. He luckily got it off first try, and continued on his bunt for gens. He found the one he originally worked on, decided to just continue from there. But, he had no time. He heard Another scream. Ace.

This time, he decided to help. He ran to the sound, and he tried to distract the killer. The Trapper noticed, and shook his head. He went to swing at Ace, but Dwight jumped in the way. The Trapper was getting annoyed. This survivor is dumb enough to help the people who won't help him? He scoffed mentally.

He went to swing again at Ace, but yet again hit Dwight. He growled, but still threw Dwight over his shoulder and hooked him. He went back to Ace, trying to get him to a hook, since he's on death hook. Everyone is on at least second hook, Ace on death.

He noticed no one going to help Dwight, so he went back over and watched. He saw Dwight manage to slip off the hook, and he backed up some. He heard someone step in his bear trap, and turned his attention to that.

Dwight on the other hand was trying to get someone to heal him. No one would. He was still nice though, and when he crossed Jane's path, he healed her since she was injured. THAT was what made Jane help him. After she was healed, she healed Dwight. But Dwight noticed her rolling her eyes and scoffing. He sighed.

After a while of failing to find a gen, he decided to just distract the killer, since everyone was on death hook except him. Well, the other survivor that he didn't identify was dead, but other than that, he was the only one on second hook.

He saw the Trapper chasing Ace, and decided to jump in front of the Trapper. The Trapper stopped, and shook his head. Ace was able to escape. Dwight nodded. The Trapper, yet again, shook his head. Dwight started walking away, watching the Trapper follow.

The Trapper was following Dwight, already having a plan of keeping him away from helping. He really didn't want to kill Dwight, since he was working whole the others benefit from doing nothing. He saw Dwight hide in a locker, probably expecting him to grab him. But the Trapper had other plans. He put a bear trap right in front of the locker.

He heard a quiet "Asshole" from the locker, and he smirked as he walked off. Dwight grumbled, still determined to help. He jumped out of the locker, and struggled to take the trap of when it activated. Once be did, he ran to find the Trapper. He was to late to save Ace though, as he heard the death scream.

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