Part 6

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Stark left their office with a big smile on her face. She was filled with hope and excitement. She was so glad she was brave enough to confront them because she really felt that nothing would have changed unless she did something. She was already thinking about the evening, they promised her they would all eat together and take a night stroll. She and her big imagination kept thinking about them taking her to her room and doing filthy things to her together, she even made herself blush, god she thought to herself, I guess I'm just as much of a pervert as my father. Maybe the saying is right that the apple does not fall far from the tree.

Erik and Stone just looked at each other for a long time, both scared and speechless. They had never imagined that she could leave them. Fear filled their hearts but they still really did not want her in their hearts. In their mind there was only room for them two and certainly not a female. They just could not accept all this change. Their wolves made room for her in their heart as soon as they dreamt about her. Their humans were stubborn and would not listen. The wolves were starting to get restless, they were scared that another would come and take their female from them so they urged their humans every day to mate and mark her. It was a constant fight between them but as of now the humans were in control but that could not go on forever. Their wolves were strong but they wanted their humans to want her just as much as they did so they decided to try to wait until they were ready. The wait has an end time and it is closing in.

The wolves were very happy and proud of their mate to challenge their human and command a change. They would never have let her leave but still they felt their mate was worthy of them. The wolves wanted pups so they urged them to mate her often a day, they sent them obscene images of their mate sucking their dicks dry while moaning their names. It made them both hot and very bothered so they pleasured each other but it just wasn't the same even though they had never slept with her they knew that it would be something that they would never want to loose, that is one of the reasons why they tried to avoid her but that would not be possible now, they had to change or she would leave and if she left they would never have their own children.

Erik finally opened his mouth and told Stone that they had to move forward with their plan. He suggested that they would flip a coin who would sleep with her first so there would be no hard feelings. Stone got irritated and very jealous, he did not want to share Erik with no one but still he wanted to sleep with her too. This situation was just too much to bare for him, he often thought to himself if he had done something wrong so the moon goddess was punishing him to share his mate with another. He felt his throat burning and he had to push and swallow hard or else he would have cried. He has never cried before after all he is an alpha but he felt like his world was crumbling down and he did not know how to stop it. Erik watched Stone closely and knew he was overwhelmed so he stood up, walk to his mate and hugged him tightly, he whispered soothing words of love to his mate. He told him he loved him with all his heart and no one could ever change that. Erik told him they had to do this and after she had their baby he would send her far away and she would never bother them again. Stone looked deeply in Eriks eyes and asked him to promise him that she would leave and of course Erik complied.

Stone wanted them both to sleep with her together so he could observe that Erik would not have a too good time with Stark. Erik was adamant that they could not do that. Erik told him that she did not know the two of them were mates and he would not be able to control himself. He told him that they could accidentally expose themselves by kissing and touching each other, the risk was just too much to take and was not worth it.

Erik told stone that it would be best if they had one child. He thought that they could not handle having her for that long of a time and she might not even be fertile. Stone had a bright idea to find a witch. Witches often had a sixth sense and could tell if a female was fertile or not but to get them to help was not easy. Witches did what they wanted not what you wanted. Even if they owed you a favour you would not get to choose what you would get, witches were tricksters but could be very useful. They decided to send a few wolves to look for a witch that could help them.

After a long discussion they decided to flip a coin, they would never admit it but both of them wanted to be her first. They had both been craving her but hiding it from each other so they would not upset the other one. The silver coin flipped into the air and Stone held his breath in excitement but he felt very nervous at the same time, who would it be, he both prayed and hoped that it would be him but still at the same time he felt guilty for his feelings. If only she had never entered their life. What bliss would their life be. Since she came into their life it had been nothing but chaos. He felt it took forever for the coin to land back on Eriks palm. Erik grapped the coin and closed it in his palms but before he opened it he asked Stone the big question head or tails?

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