Part 16 ~ Waking up

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It was the middle of the night when Stark woke up, she was so thirsty, it was the only thing she could think about, she opened her eyes slowly and tried to sit up. Every part of her body hurt, she felt so weak, she was all alone in a dark room, she looked and saw that there was a glass with water near her bed, she reached for it at gulped it down. After she had finished it she put the glass back on the table. She had no idea where she was nor what was happening, she felt scared and she did not know what to do, she was so weak that she would not be able to stand up even if she tried. She sat there all alone in the dark just thinking, after thinking for a while all sorts of questions came to her mind but she had no answers, she had no idea who she or what had happened to her, she got frightened, the more she tried to think about who she was nothing came to mind, she had no answers, something had happened to her, she had felt her neck was bandaged, she had gotten hurt, but how and why, she was afraid to find out, she felt a strong urge to leave but she could not even if she tried. She tried to calm herself down but she was failing miserably. She felt a little sorry for herself so she started to cry, if only she knew who she was she might feel better, the only thing she could do was to wait and hope she was not in danger.

She had not slept the rest of the night, all she did was to wait and hope that someone would come that was either her family or friend and not a foe, she lived in limbo all night, hoping for the best but expecting the worst. There was a reason why she was left alone. Asa had wanted her to be left alone after she had given her treatment, Asa was going to be there with her but she had been so exhausted that she decided to just go to sleep, she was very sure that Stark would not wake up that soon since she was still so sick. She had used so much magic taking her from the dark place , it was no easy fit cheating death and it would cost her but then again, Alma had not fate, she was never supposed to be so her existence was a mystery.

Asa did not sleep well, she dreamt of the fates, they were not pleased but still she did not know what they wanted her to do, there seemed to be a haste but for what, she did not know, she felt dread in her heart and tried her best to understand what they wanted. She woke up, still feeling like she was in the dream, she felt she had to hurry but she had not idea what the hurry was for. She was very sweaty so she used the cold water she had used to bathe the night before, it was cold but it did the job, she quickly woke up and now she did not remember what she had dreamed of, it was like a stone in her heart but the more she tried to remember the further the dream went away. She tried to calm herself down, thinking of Stark and what she had to do next. She quickly put her clothes on and decided to go and see Stark before having breakfast. She could hear whimpers coming from her room, she feared the worse and thought that Stark had finally died, she opened the door slowly and there she saw Stark crying all alone in her bed. She felt a rush of excitement, she had finally woken up. She smiled at her and asked her what was wrong, she told her she needed not to worry everything would be alright and she would get better soon since she was there to take good care of her. Stark looked at the beautiful young woman, she felt relieved to finally not being alone and hopefully now she could get some answers. She asked Asa who she was. Asa told her she was a witch sent to help her, she told her she had almost died but she had saved her but she would need to rest and take good care of herself. She asked her if they were related and Asa said no but she knew her mother. Stark asked her if this was her home and where her mother was. Asa was bewildered and asked her if she did not remember, Stark told her she did not remember anything, she did not know who she was or where she was. Asa had a hunch why she had lost her memories. She had saved her from the dark lands, when souls are trapped in the dark lands they are eaten until the light of their souls extinguishes, she was certain she had been feasted on many times, each time loosing precious memories she had. Asa told her not to worry, everything would be alright, she would help her. Asa told her what she knew about her mother and about herself, she did not tell her everything, it was not the right time, she needed her to be her best before getting such hard informations. Asa cared for her like a mother should, Asa felt sorry for her, she had been wronged by life, by fate and by all the gods, she wondered what would happen to her if she died, would she be sent to the dark lands for the beasts to eat her whole, she shuttered just thinking about it, all of this was so unfair since nothing was her fault, she had not made any mistakes,, she was just a poor victim, caught up in things she did not understand, she wondered what would happen, she could have endless amount of mates or she could have just those two, the laws of the land did not apply to her, she could be a fortune or she could be the down fall of this world, she had no idea, she just looked at her like a poor child. She put Stark on her bosom and comforted her, telling her soft lies, everything would be alright, nothing bad would happen for she would protect her. Stark felt so much better, she trusted her and she finally let her guard down and fell a sleep.

Sorry for not updating earlier, my story Trapped in the beast land will soon come to an end and when that happens i will update this story, one chapter a week at least, im sorry for those who are waiting for updates, i know how it feels waiting ;) i hope you have a great day

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25 ⏰

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