Part 11

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For ten days Stark has been laying in her bed, she still had a high fever and her mark is still infected, every bone in her body aches and still her mates have not come to see her. She cries silently and her pillow is wet from her tears. She is in so much pain that she thinks it might just be better to let go and reunite with her mother.

She feels bitter, life has brought her nothing but heartache. She asks herself again and again what has she ever done to deserve this treatment. She is filled with resentment and she never wants to see either of them again. She knows they both know she is very sick but still they do not come, she knows she told them not to come but still she had hoped they would come just so she could see she had at least a little space in both their hearts. She is done, she has done all she can to get to know them while they barely noticed her.

Dawn has been staying by her side since she found her. She felt safe with her and Dawn reminded her of her mother, how nice it is to have someone to care for her. She can see in Dawn's eyes that the elder woman feels sorry for her, Stark feels like a big joke, she feels the whole town must be laughing at her expense. She wants to leave and never return. Unfortunately it does not matter what she wants, the higher beings hold all the power, even if she managed to leave they would and could find her very easily.

While stark has been laying sick in bed she has been trying to find a way to leave but how is the big question. Stark decides to be brave and ask Dawn whether she knows a way to break the matebond. Dawn's eyes widened and she is surprised. Dawn takes a moment to ponder Starla question and then tells her she has never heard of anyone wanting to break the bond nor has she heard of it being done. Stark feels sad and frustrated, she want to leave but still she is trapped. Stark just sobs, what can she do. How she wished her mothers best friend was here to help her for she would have a solution.

Dawn is scared for her alphas and poor Stark. She feels a kinship with the little human girl and she wish she could help her but she is just an old woman. She can see Stark is at a breaking point and wants to leave. She wants to protect this little girl but she has made an oath to always serve her alphas. She just does not know what to do , this situation is just too complicated for most. She takes Stark in her arms and Rocks her back and fourth while telling her everything will be alright.

While stark is crying in bed her mates lie in their bed caressing each other and trying to find a way to fix the problem. They know she is still very sick and they are worried for her but they chose to respect her wishes. Their wolves are angry and scared for their mate. They are worried for Stones wolf could not feel her through the bond, the wolf knew this was very wrong and wanted to comfort both himself and his mate by being with her. He was angry at his human he was not treating his mate like she should be treated. Stones wolf had tried many times to take over just so he could be with his mate  but the human resisted him every time and told him they had to respect her wishes. Stone told his wolf they would make everything up to her but the wolf knew things were not that easy.

Erik hugged Stone and held him tight in his arms. They had to pacify Stark so they were brainstorming on what would be the best thing to do. They talked about buying her expensive gifts but what kind of gifts would she like, they wonder Erik remembered she had told the she liked to read so why not by her books about higher beings. They thought she must be curious since most human only know the bare minimum about them. They decided on buying her books, clothing and jewellery. Stone thought about buying her a cat she seems to like little cute animals, so it was decided to buy her a fluffy white cat since it also had another meaning for higher beings.

Giving a mate a white cat meant you wish for endless harmony between them. Giving a mate a black cat meant undying love for eternity and giving a multicoloured cat meant you wished for healthy pups. Most higher beings that still honoured this tradition gave all three cats to their mate since their mate was their everything but they knew Stark would not know the meaning so it would not matter. They gave each other a goodnight kiss and went to sleep.

While Erik and Stone were dreaming blissful dreams about each other Stark was having a nightmare. She was running all alone deep in the forest something big and hungry was after her but she did not know what it was. She ran through the forest until she had no place to go. She stopped running and looked down the cliff, what could she do it was either to throw herself down or be eaten by the beast. She did not have time to think what to do but she knew she did not want to be eaten alive so she ran as fast as she could and jumped down the cliff. She could see the sea and thought how blue it was, that was the last thought she had until she landed in the sea, she was so surprised, she did not die she was still alive. She used all her strength to swim back to the surface and she could finally breath again. She looked all around and all she saw was cliffs there was no way she could climb it so she started to swim in hope seeing a shore. All of a sudden she felt something brush her leg, she panicked and began to swim faster but it was to no avail. She felt something bit her thigh and then she saw the shark, it was massive but there was nothing she could do, she had no weapons other than her hands so she did the only thing that came to mind, she used her hands and pushed her finger deep into the sharks eyes. At least she could get a little revenge before she died. The shark let go but he did not go away, she felt herself getting sleepy so she decided to just give up, she had had enough.

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