Part 5

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It had been one month since Stark first entered fireball village. She loved it, for the first time Stark felt content. She really had no obligations, she could just do whatever she liked everyday. She met so many higher being she liked and she even felt she made a few friends, something she had never had before. She felt blessed to have been chosen to be a mate of a higher being for she finally felt like she had a real home and someone that liked and cared for her.

She had not talked much to her mates, she met them everyday but they mostly just sat and watched her paint. She had her own wing and she loved it she could do anything and no one would bother her. She found one room that she loved singing in and she spent a lot of time there singing and composing music, her heart was filled and for the first time in her life she wanted more then just living for day today, she wanted to love and feel loved. She had seen the purest form of love between higher beings and she knew that what her parents had was not something that was common, at least not in relationship with higher beings. She wanted to know her mates more and hopefully make a connection so they could be like other mated beings.

She knew that something was not right she just did not know what, she tried to ask her friends what she could do to evolve her relationship between her mates but her friends only smiled awkwardly and told her it takes time to fall in love and mate, especially since they are a thropple. She felt ignored and left out, she felt betrayed by them since they spent all their time together and left her out. She spent such a little time with them everyday, maybe just an hour, sometimes even less than that. She tried to open herself up talking about herself but they never told her anything about themselves, she was stuck and she did not know what to do. She felt afraid that if she confronted them they might just kick her out of their town and she did not want to leave she loved it there but she felt that something had to change. They three could not even be considered friends since they were just not that close.

She had been in their town for just about six months and nothing had changed she tried oh so much to get to know them but they shut her out. She felt so hurt and she was oh so angry. It was a known fact that higher beings wasted no time to mark and mate their mates so that no one could or would try to take them away but she was still a virgin and still not even marked. She just did not understand why they even brought her here since they did not even like her. She loved it there but she did not want to be kept, she wanted more she wanted love and if they could not give her that then she had to leave, even though she loved it there, she wanted more and if they would not give it to her she would just have to find it with some one else

She talked herself into confronting them, it took a lot of her to do that since she was scared that they would let her leave. She walked to their office and asked their secretary if they were free at the moment. Their secretary told her she could go inn so inn she went with her heart beating fast, so fast that she felt that it could leap from her chest at any moment. Her mates were both sitting behind their desks, looking at her full of worry. They asked if she was alright and she hesitated for a second to answer that question in her head, she did not know how to answer so she just decided to open her moth and not think about what would come out of it. She told them she was not happy with their arrangements and she wanted to know why they even brought her here since they had no interest in her. She told them that if things would not change she would leave, she wanted a relationship, she wanted love and if they could not give her that she would find someone that could give her what she wanted.

She saw both their eyes change to black, she felt a little frightened but she felt that they would not hurt her unless they lied about her being their mates then maybe she was in danger, she did not know so she carefully and slowly back up and decided to leave the room, she was almost at the door when both males told her to stop. They pleaded with her not to leave, we love you they said but our humans are shy and do not know how to approach you. In a way their wolves were right, they did not know how to approach her but a lot of it was because they were afraid of the changes she brought. They both felt how much their wolves loved her it overflowed to their own feelings, so much that they were scared. Every night after she fell asleep the went into her room to watch and smell her. She made both their wolves calm, it was such a peaceful feeling something that they had never felt before and stirred their souls. They would both touched her in her sleep, touch her arms legs and face. When they both touched her at he same time they felt more, more of everything, more love, more lust, just more of everything.

Every night they made love they fantasies of her, touching her, kissing her, loving her, even breathing her. She could not leave them. Their wolves and them too needed her, they just could not admit it to themselves.

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