Part 14 ~ The sickness

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The travel had been long and very uncomfortable, Asa was not used to travel in such haste, she liked to take her time and look around but there was no time, she had to help that poor woman. They finally arrived late at night and the first thing Asa saw where the two alphas of the town. She could not see their future, she really wished she could since there was such mystery over this matter. The two alphas seemed very anxious and wanted to drag the witch to Starks room. Asa was not a young witch and she demanded being treated with respect, she was after all one of the few witches that had been blessed by the fates, she would not be rushed, especially not by those two alphas.

Asa asked them who was the poor lasses mate, they both growled at her but she was not afraid, they had asked for her help and she could just as easily leave and she knew they both knew that. Both Stone and Erik had decided not to reveal to the witch that they were mates unless they had do, they figured that if she could see their future she would have to ask, since it was unheard of having more than one fated mate. She looked at them arrogantly until Stone told her he was her mate, she looked at him unimpressed and asked for her room. She wanted supper and a hot bath after that she would see the poor woman. They both nodded and she was showed where she would be staying. She had a very pleasant dinner and a hot bath afterwards, Asa was very tired and had she had her way she would have just gone to sleep but she had come all this way to help the poor woman, she had to at least see her before retiring to her room.

Asa made haste and walked hurriedly towards Starks bed. She had been told that the female had forbade her mates from entering her room, Asa really wanted to know why but she could see how scared the servant was so she just bit her tongue and decided it was best to ask the female that answer herself. When she entered the room she saw that the woman was either a sleep or unconscious, she walked towards her, looking around, seeing if anything there was stopping her from healing, she also concentrated on any smell she could find, to see if there was something that could poison the poor girl but no, she could not detect any dangerous smells only the smell of her festering wound. She stood by and look at the poor woman, she looked ghastly, she was so thin and her skin looked greyish, she smelled bad or rather she smelled wrong, there was something very much wrong with her. She took her pulse, and it was very weak, her breathing was shallow, she put her hand on her chest, concentrating on her heart, her heart was in bad shape, it had a hard time beating, every beat was a battle, she was not sure if she could be saved, she was so far gone, poor child, she thought to herself. Asa moved Starks head and loosened her nightgown so she could see better the bite. Where there should be a beautiful mark of a wolf there was only a festering wound, still oozing blood and green thick liquid puss that smelled horribly. This should not happen, no matter how you get your mate you body should not be able to reject the bond, there was nothing that medicine could do for that poor child, her only hope now was magic and the will of the gods. She pondered for a while wether she should save the poor woman, she was never meant to be, maybe it was best that she were just to die but still that might also create more problems, Asa had no idea what to do and how to fix the problem. She wished the fates would have shown her what she was supposed to do. Maybe this girl could do wonders for their world or maybe she might be the one to lead it into despair, she had to make a choice but she had time, she needed more information and hopefully the fates would guide her in the right direction. She put one hand on Starks neck and the other on her chest, she was a skilled witch and one of the highest member of their coven, she was being tested by the fates and she would not falter, she would not let them down, she had the skills and the magic to help this poor soul. She closed her eyes and called to her fates for help, she could feel the magic swirling around her in her body, she needed to let the magic out slowly, the magic needed to swirl in Starks body, and especially in her neck and heart, her heart was too fragile, it needed a good boost, this would not heal her but it will buy her time, Asa needed answers and she was sure the best person to ask was the female herself.

Asa was tired, she had used massive amount of magic to help the woman, she was running on fumes, she needed to recharge her energy before giving her more magic. Asa was sure that the magic she has given her would suffice for a few days at least. The girl was still asleep and would sleep until the magic had healed what it could, she would not awaken until at least the next day. Asa took her hands of Stark gently, she looked at the festering wound, there was not much difference yet, the magic needed time to work and it could not heal her, it was merely a boost to help a dying body, she listened to Starks heartbeat and she was delighted when she heard that her heart was not struggling as much as it had done before, she fixed her nightgown and put the blanket over her and told her to rest well. Asa looked at the worried maid and asked for her name, the old woman told her she was called Dawn and she had been taking care of Stark the best she could. Asa could she the worry in the old woman's eyes, she put her hand on the old lady's shoulder and told her not to worry, she had strengthened Starks body, she told her that her body was now filled with healing magic and it would need time to work, she told her that the woman would most likely sleep for twenty four hours but she needed to be watched. Asa told the old woman that she would go now and retire, she had done all she could for her tonight but she told her that she still needed to be watched and only to call on her if there was an emergency but the lass would wake up soon, she could she the gratitude in the old woman's eyes, Asa just smiled walked slowly out of the room and walked into her room, she unclothed herself and fell asleep as soon as she closed her eyes.

Sorry I'm not updating, there will be VERY slow updates since I'm focusing on my other story but i will finish, i hope you liked it, what do you think of her mates and what do you think of Asa :) have a great day

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