Part 13 ~ Asa

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Asa woke up from her dream in deep thought, things were not how they were supposed to be, her dream, was a messages from the goddesses of fates. Witches and warlock all prayed to the goddesses of fate, goddesses of fate determined everyone's fate, the three goddesses held all the power over both humans and higher beings. The goddesses blessed some witches with the all seeing eye, some could see most livings past, while other could see most living present and some that received extra blessings could see most living future. Asa was one of the extra higher beings that could see some peoples future. She was like most witches a hermit, she did not like to be with around people, she enjoyed being one with nature and found peace in that.

She usually did not like to offer help to others, she minded her own business and let other follow their own. She was an old witch and had seen it all, the good, the bad and the ugly. One day Asa was travelling through a human town and she saw a house burning, she knew that there were living beings in the house, she usually would have just walked away and minded her own business but something made her hesitate, she decided on a whim to rescue the humans, alas she had hesitates too long and only the child could be saved, she saw the poor thing and saw her fate, she saw the little girl was blessed with fertility and would in the future get married to her first love and become mother of six children, she would live to be fifty three and die in her lovers arms, happy. Asa felt sorry for the child so she found good people to take care of her until she was old enough to take care of herself. She bid the little girl goodbye and told her to take care of herself. Ten years later Asa had a dream about the little girl, the dream was not pleasant and she felt she had to see the little girl again. She travelled back to the human town and found her easily. When she saw the little girl again, she had turned into a beautiful woman but her fate had been changed, things were not as they should be and Asa was concerned, she could not see what had happened to the woman since she could not see her past but she had to know what was happening, this could not be the will of the fates, Asa thought.

The woman ran towards Asa and hugged her, telling her how she had missed her and that she was her best friend. Asa was flabbergasted, she did not know the woman at all but the poor woman thought of her as her best friend, she felt bad in her heart, her past might not have been as good as she thought. The woman told her she had just married the love of her life and that she was so happy. Asa was deeply concerned, she could not see her whole future, this was something that had never happened before but she saw that she would give birth to a female that was not supposed to live. Asa had to get the woman to trust her so she stayed and grew close to her, she felt pity for her since the glimpses she had seen from her future where not nice, she tried her best to be nice to her and one day she finally told her about her fate. She tried to get the woman to leave the man and meet the man she was supposed to end up with but the woman would not listen to her and told her she would love no other man than him. Asa sighed and tried to plead her to take a pill she had created. Asa told her that if she would get pregnant it would not be good for her nor the child. The woman was determined to love the man she had married and she wanted to start a family with him. Asa pleaded with her again to take the magic pill and that she could activate and deactivate it whenever she liked, the woman took the pill but did not swallow it, Asa had no idea what to do, she could not kill her and she was not able to sway her mind, she was helpless and afraid what could happen. She left the woman after a while, she hugged her and told her to use the pill but the woman just smiled and told her it was too late, she was already pregnant, Asa asked her to give the child the pill, she told her her child could might have a better future if she would just let the child take the pill. Asa told her the child could swallow the pill the first day she had bled. The woman just looked at her not saying a word, Asa could not see if she would give the child the pill or not, she did not like how uncertain it all was but still she left, knowing that she would never see the woman again.

Asa begin to pack her things so she could travel and see the child, she was just about to leave the door when she heard a knock on the door. She saw two wolves, she just stood and waited for them to morph and state their business. The wolves told her that their Luna was very sick and needed help from a witch. Asa told them she was not a healer and she could not help the Luna. The wolves told her that their Luna was a mortal and she had been very sick since her mate marked her, they told her that the mark would not heal and was festering. Asa had never heard of this and she was intrigued, she had a hunch it was related to the child she needed to find. She told them she would go with them so she took her things and left.

They travelled for two weeks, usually Asa would have travelled by a carriage but it was faster to travel on the wolves back. Usually wolves did not let anyone ride them except for their mates but there was such an urgency to save their Luna so they carried her, knowing well that their future mates might take great offence to it but the life of their luna mattered more than their future mates, if their luna would die their pack might get sick and many wolves might die, to help their luna was the most important thing to everyone, they all had been praying to the moon goddess but she had not heard their prayers or she was not willing to help the mortal, they could only do their best to help her, even if they had to get help from a witch, it would all be worth it if she could be saved.

Hope you liked it :) have a great day

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