Part 9

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Stark watched as Stone rushed out the door, he did not even have the decency to excuse himself, he just left her all alone, lying naked on the bloodstained bed. She felt ashamed and hurt, she could not understand what she did wrong for him to just put his clothes on and run out the door, he did not even say goodbye. Stark was in so much pain both in her pussy and her neck. Her neck was throbbing and bleeding also. She curled herself into a ball and cried, she felt miserable, hurt and angry. She contemplated on just leaving, she felt like she was in the way. She knew something big was wrong between them three, she just could not figure out what it was.

After a long time she had to go to the bathroom, she really did not want to stand up, she was in so much pain but she really needed to go. She felt bitter and thought to herself that a normal mate would never leave his mate when she was hurt. She thought to herself, that her luck was really bad. She carefully stood up, she almost fell out the floor, she could hardly move her legs so she used whatever she could to help her make it through the bathroom. When she sat on the toilet and started to piss, she almost passed out from pain, she moaned from pain and tears ran down her face and fell on the perfect white floor. She saw there was too much blood coming from her vagina. She panicked and had not idea what to do. There was no one there to help her and she did not know who to call, she did not know the servants very well and everybody went home at night, she could walk to her mates bedrooms but that would take along time and she did not want to see either of them at that moment, they were very unpopular with her and she was giving up on both of them. She carefully stood up and went to the sink to wash her hands. She decided to look at her bite, just to see how bad it was.

The neck was still bleeding but she could see that there was a tattoo of wolf, sitting content watching the moon. After a while her eyes went to her face and she almost screamed, her face had changed quite a bit, you could still see it was her but this was the best version of her that she could be. Her skin was shining and glowing just like other women in the town, she felt so happy, her eyes sparked and the eye colour had changed to dull red, it was beautiful and complemented her wild red hair. She felt confident and for the first time she felt beautiful. She knew she had gotten her gift and she was very happy with what she was given, she would live for at least a thousand years, that's enough time to get better, smarter and wiser, time was on her side, she needed not to rush.

She went back to her bloodstained bed, thankfully the bed was so big that she did not have to lie in her blood. She drank water and wished she could get some help but it would have to wait for the morning, no one would come until 7 am, she would just have to wait. She could not sleep the pain was just too much so she tried to think of something else and the only thing that came to her mind were her mates. She just could not understand their behaviour at all, they kept her at bay and she felt that they did this on purpose. She started to let her mind wander thinking that maybe they weren't her mates at all, maybe she was lured here to be used, she might even be in danger. She felt the best thing would be to leave but where could she go, they would just find her and get her back, she might even be put in confinement. She had to be calm and think about her situation.

Finally morning arrived and she could hear voices, she called out asking for help, she was very embarrassed since everybody would know what had happened. An older lady walked in her bedroom and asked what she could do for her, Stark cried and asked her to call for a doctor, she was in so much pain and was still bleeding from both her neck and vagina. The woman soothed her, the maid asked another worker to call for a doctor and be swift about it. The doctor came running in the door. The older woman had sat with Stark, holding her hand and telling her that everything would be alright. Stark asked both the older woman and the doctor not to tell her mates she was hurt, they just smiled at her without giving her an answer. The doctor told her he needed to stitch her down there. Stark started weeping, she was scared and she so desperately wanted her mother but she had to do this alone like she always had to. Stark was so tired of going through hard times all on her own, always, she thought good times would come finding her mates. She imagined that they would love and support her always but that just had not happened, she felt more alone since arriving in this beautiful town than ever before in her little apartment. The doctor gave her something, she just wept silently until it was hard to keep her eyes open, after a little while she finally slept. The doctor stitched her, looked at her bite mark closely, he could see it was infected, that was something he had never seen before, usually after a bite it healed well and would be just a tattoo in a weeks time. He cleaned the wound and bandaged it. He asked the older lady to change the sheets and clean her while she slept with a cloth. Her room and bed were made clean she was cleaned, thoroughly but still tenderly. The old lady felt pity for the young girl, she knew her mates where not treating her right, she could see it clearly on her neck. Her neck would never fester if the love was pure. The old lady shook her head softly and sat beside Stark. She did not want the young woman to wake up all alone. She decided it would be best to ask other elderly woman to stay with her until she was well. She had a hunch that the young woman would not want her mates watching over her.

Stark fell into a dreamless sleep, she slept for more than 24 hours but that is what her body needed. Now her mind needed healing too but it is uncertain who can heal her mind and soul at this time.

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