Part 10

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After biting Stark Stone felt panicked, he could feel the rage Erik was sending and he started to sweat profusely. The only thing on his mind was to sooth Erik, Stark was not on his mind even though the room smelt of blood and a lot of it. He quickly raised from the bed, put his clothes on in a mad hurry and stormed out of the door, he did not even have the decency to close the door after him.

He tried to send Erik messages that it was not his fault, it was an horrible mistake that his wolf made but Stone would not hear nor accept his plea. Stone was lucky to know exactly where Erik was and to get there as fast as he could he changed to his wolf form and ran as the devil was after him.

Right before he opened the door he could hear Erik cry, it broke his heart that he was the reason his mate was in so much pain, he truly hated himself and his wolf at this moment for betraying his mate in that way, his wolf did not see it as he did, he wanted them both and he made sure she would not be able to be taken by any other wolf, he felt very satisfied and it was sated.

As soon as Stone opened the door a chair was hurled at his direction, he did not even try to dodge it, he wanted his mate to punish him, for he felt he truly deserved it. Erik walked fast towards him ready to give him a beating he would not forget. He punched him while screaming at him how he betrayed him and that he would never be able to trust him again. Stone cried and said over and over again how sorry he was. Erik was so afraid that Stone loved Stark more than him and before he could even think about what he was asking he asked wether she was a better lover than him. Stone did not want to lie and he did not want to hurt his mate the only thing that came into his mind is that it was different. Erik wanted to kill both him and that horrible woman, he screamed that he wanted that slut out of their lives right now, he kicked and beat Stone and for a while Stone just took it but he was an alpha he could not let his mate control everything so he grapped Erik and violently pushed him on the desk. His eyes were glowing gold and he was growling loudly.

Stone used his razor sharp claws to destroy Erik pants, he was very aroused and ready to show his mate that he was the dominant alpha at this moment. He buckled his pants and took his swollen rod out. He spit on his hand and lather Erik ass well. He did not even give Erik a chance to get ready he just plunged in fast and loud. He loved giving Erik love bites in the ear so that is what he did, he was rather forceful and bit a little too hard so Erik ear started to bleed. Stone just sucked the blood while forcefully thrusting back and forth, Erik could barely take it, it felt so good but when Stone put his hand on his dick and moved it back and forth, he felt like he was in heaven, he was coming and coming hard, He moans loudly and came all over the beautiful work desk. Only a few seconds after Erik came Stone came just as hard as Erik had, he could not control himself and moans loudly. After filling his mate he bend over and whispered softly in Erik ears that he loved him with all his heart and he would rather kill himself than ever live without him. Stone went on his knees and begged him to forgive him. Erik watched his mate and he could not imagine life without him ever so he went on his knees and embraced his love. They both cried and whispered sweet words of love to each other. The moved to the couch and hugged each other tight and just like that they both fell asleep not giving poor Stark even one thought.

They both woke up early morning with someone knocking softly on their door and asking for audience. Erik looked at Stone a little bewildered, they had no appointments that day and their pack knew better than to disturb them so early unless it was urgent. Erik looked annoyed at Stone since he had no pants nor underwear to put on. The only thing he had was jogging pants and that was not very alpha like when meeting people not in their inner circle. Both Erik and Stark asked the person to come in and as soon as they saw who it was they grew concerned, had something happened was someone attacked or hurt, they needed answers now so they hastily asked the doctor to sit down as tell them what had happened.

The doctor did not start to speak right away, his mind was a mess, his patient had told him not to tell her mates she was hurt but he had no choice, her mates were his alpha, he had never in his life been in a more conflicting situation. He decided he had to tell, they might kill him if he did not since mates needed to know their mate was safe and healthy. He told them Stark was sick, she had a high fever and her mark was festering, Erik almost passed out with fright and told the doctor she was fine when he had left her. The doctor was scared to tell him that that just could not have been true. The doctor told them she had been alone all night in so much pain but could not get any help at all. The doctor told them that since she was a human her vagina was smaller than higher beings and they needed much more time and care when having sex the first time. He told them she had bled a lot since she had tears in her vagina he had to stitch her. Erik was furious at Stone , leaving her, knowing she was sick and in so much pain, he felt very distressed and was angry at Stone for treating her this way. They both stood up at the same time getting ready to nurse their mate back to health but before they went out the door the doctor told them she did not want to see nor hear anything about them. The doctor told them to give her time, she was very hurt and angry at both of them. She cried a-lot before getting pain relief and finally fell asleep. The doctor told them she was not alone and would not be alone, the older ladies have decided to nurse her to health and would not leave her alone even for a minute.

After that the doctor stood up gave a little bow to his alphas and went. Both Erik and Stone just stood there frozen, they had no idea what to do. Their wolves just wanted to help their mate but still they wanted to respect her wishes so it was decided to leave her alone at least for a little while. Erik was upset and angry at Stone for leaving her hurt and all alone but still he really needed his mate last night so he was so torn, both of them just did not know what to do, everything was so complicated but they were scared of her, scared she would leave them but they did not voice it out they only thought their own thoughts about their poor human mate. They looked at each other and they knew they had to try with all their might to fight for their mate, they needed and desperately wanted a pup and she was their only chance.

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