Part 12

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It had been almost a month and she was not getting any better, her mates were really worried and decided it was time to look for a witch try to help, to problem was the bite, it kept festering and would not heal, she had a high fever and was often delusional. They had still not seen her since they wanted to give her time to heal but they were very worried about her health, their poor doctor was scolded every day for not being able to help her, they had even asked for the best doctor from other packs but unfortunately they could not help, the only thing that could help her now was probably magic, the bite was magical, it was a change to her body and soul, unfortunately it was just much more traumatic for poor Stark.

Stark felt hopeless, she just wanted to die, she hurt all over and she just could not take it anymore, she was in so much pain both physically and mentally. She just wanted to crawl into a hole, make a nest and die, she had had enough of all the bad dreams, she had horrible nightmares every time she slept, she was so tired of everything.

Dawn kept talking about her mates, how worried they were for her and how much they missed her, she just scoffed at her and told her not to lie to her, Daw felt so bad for them all, she told Stark that they really wanted to see her and care for her, Stark was quick to reply that she did not need nor want their help, she wanted nothing to do with them, she just wanted to leave, leave this town and go back home, where she felt safe, she had a mundane life before but still she felt satisfied, she could do everything she wanted, which was to read, sing and paint, she had decided she would give up on love, it just was not worth it, love only worked in fairytales not in her world, love had brought her nothing but pain ever since she was a child and she had had enough. She would close her heart to love and throw away the key, still she did not think she would live long, she felt weaker with every day that passed, she barely ate, she had no appetite. She mostly just slept or wept in her pillow, her life was bleak and dark, she felt so bitter, she did not deserve this treatment, what had she done that was so bad, she hated them, she hated that they made it look like they cared when they most definitely did not. They told her that they respected her and kept at bay because of her wishes, bullocks she thought, if a person you loved was so sick you would fight tooth and nails to be with them, even if they did not want you there, no they did not love her and no they did not need her just like she did not need them, she wished she had never met them, life could be so cruel, she thought to herself while tears ran down her face.

The next day dawn came in bearing gifts from her so called mates, she saw the books, so many books, books she really wanted to read and treasure but since it was from them she would not read them, she wanted nothing from them. She saw the maids come in with all kinds of treasures, books, beautiful dresses, shiny expensive jewellery, paintings, exotic paint that elves made that was very rare but still she wanted nothing, she told them to return it, she did not want it. Dawn tried to appease her and tell her they had picked all her gifts themselves, only for her, they had only bought the best and wanted the best for her but Stark did not care she wanted nothing from them, she was fed up with the boot licking from Dawn, she knew Dawn cared for her but she hated how she tried to cram her mates down her throat, she screamed at them to throw it out she wanted nothing from them other than to let her go, she never wanted to see them again. The maids were scared, they did not want to upset her, she was too ill and she needed rest and quiet, they felt so sorry for her, she had been dealt an horrible hand in life but still they were scared. They knew their alphas would not be happy if they would return their gifts but what could they do, they were stuck, they had to do her bidding she was after all their Luna, a broken Luna that had lost faith in their mates.

The maids returned all the gifts. Erik and Stone did not know what to do, they had been so careful to pick things that she would like but it seemed like they had failed, they asked Dawn why she did now want their gifts, Dawn really did not know what to say, she did not want to make them angry nor sad but they had to know what they had done to their mate was not acceptable. She told them that Stark wanted to leave and she wished to never see them again, she told them that Stark had asked her if the mate bond could be broken. Both Erik and Stone were petrified, they had not imagined that she would not forgive them, they knew humans were vain creatures and were easily bought, they just could not understand her at all. They knew they had some blame in what happened but still they were alphas and they made the rules while others followed, they did not like that she did not follow. She would not be able to leave, they both thought, she would never be able to leave them, she was theirs and only theirs.

Sorry how that I'm not updating, I'm so invested in my other story, i will finish this story i promise but it will be a while between chapters I'm sorry :) i hope you liked it.

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