10 - Meeting an old friend

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"Stop it Nick. You've tried that plenty of times today".

The ghost rolled his eyes, his shoulder slumping at the failed attempt. Sir Nicholas, who was commonly called nearly headless Nick due to the fact that his head was barely holding on to the rest of his body, flew past Eleonora. He pretended to take a seat on the bench across from her, shaking his head in disappointment. "It's Halloween".

"And?". Eleonora bit into her food, savouring her last piece of toast as she nibbled away slowly.

The ghost shook his head as he looked away from the girl. "Children these days. They turn 13 and think they can't be afraid of some ghosts".

"Wishing more than ever that the headless hunt had taken you in?" Eleonora couldn't hide her smile as the ghost turned in her direction with a look that could kill.

"You are unbelievably annoying and yet here I am, conversing and", he paused. His eyes narrowed and nose wrinkled. "Enjoying your company".

"Aww, Sir Nick. The feeling is quite mutual". Eleonora brought her hand to her chest as she exaggerated her flattery. The ghost shook his head, his eyes falling to the paper beside the girl.

"Are you sure you don't want to go. I've heard the kids talk fondly of their visits".

"I'm alright Nick". Eleonora took the paper into her hand, smiling at the Gryffindor ghost. Nick nodded and took his cue to leave. He flew right through a first year on his way to breakfast, scaring the living daylights out of the student. A satisfied laugh left the ghost's lips as he disappeared through the walls of the great hall.

The girl focused on the paper in her hand, sighing at the neatly written words.

Third years are permitted to visit the village of Hogsmeade on certain weekends. As acting guardian and Head of Gryffindor House, I grant permission for Eleonora Fawley to take part in all trips to Hogsmeade this year.

'Acting guardian'. Eleonora had no choice but to accept Professor McGonagall to care for her - obviously because she had nowhere to go. It was either that or be left in the hands of Marcus' family but that was the last place she would ever go.
Thankfully, Hogwarts had been huge enough for her to avoid Theodore Nott.
Or just maybe, he was avoiding her.

Whatever the case was, Eleonora had no idea what her cousin looked like and she had no intention of finding out.
The girl stuffed the letter into her bag and she smiled at the arrival of the Gryffindor boy.

"I don't understand why you won't go to Hogsmeade".
Neville helped Eleonora with her books as she neatly placed them in her bag. "I would love to go Neville. Just not today". She shouldered her bag and chuckled. "I'm not really in the mood to wander around alone in a foreign place".

"You could come with me", Neville interrupted, his voice raising to a higher pitch as he spoke with hope. Eleonora shook her head in reply.

"Thanks Neville but I'll pass". She scooped up the chicken she had wrapped up in a napkin and smiled at the boy. "Have fun yeah?"


Eleonora wandered around outside the Hogwarts grounds, taking the absence of students and some teachers as a chance to roam freely. She walked past Hagrid's house, past the Whomping Willow that almost struck her, past the lake she would often visit and repeated her course again until she could walk no more. She made her way back into the school and strolled down the corridors aimlessly.

It only took a few lefts and rights to realize that she wasn't actually walking aimlessly.
Eleonora stared at the door she stood infront of, remembering the dear old friend she hardly met in school.
Before she could knock however, the door was pulled open, the action scaring both Eleonora and the student.

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