29. Reunion & Remedies

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"Scared Diggory?"

"Not really".

Eleonora stopped walking, making the boy do the same. She smiled which the boy returned with a long sigh. "Terrified actually".

The girl chuckled as she turned to look at the tent where the victors were to assemble. She eyed his yellow uniform before looking up at the boy.

"Good luck out there".


Eleonora put forward her hand and at the same time Cedric opened his arms wide. The two shared an awkward laugh before resuming to hug as Cedric had intended.

A sudden flash of light made the girl reel away from him, her hands automatically going up to shield her eyes.

"Fabulous!" A woman clapped her hands in exaggerated awe, running up to the pair as a man followed with a camera. "Does our beloved victor Cedric Diggory have a lover?"

Her blond curls that were curiously rigid refused to bounce despite her repeated excited movements. The woman's pencilled-on brows shot up in delight behind her rhinestone studded spectacles and Eleonora couldn't help the laugh that had escaped her lips.

"Nope. Simply platonic and just friends", she dismissed the claim, eyeing the woman up and down. "Not that it should be any of your business lady".

The blond chuckled, twirling the pen in her hand as in her other, she held up a notebook. "Defensive, I see". Following her words, the quill began to write something down by itself as the green leather clad woman only watched Eleonora with a satisfied smile.

"Some other time, Miss Skeeter", Cedric stated plainly. He motioned Eleonora to walk away, before bidding the girl farewell and heading to the tent. Eleonora stood watching till he had disappeared through the flaps. The previous woman followed the others in to the tent as well, despite being restricted to anyone other than the victors and their headmasters.

Eleonora shook her head in disapproval before heading to join Hermione at the stands.


The first task had passed as all 4 victors had successfully managed to get their golden eggs. It would have been a lie to claim that Eleonora's heart hadn't threatened to leap out repeatedly throughout the whole fiasco. It had been Cedric first and while Eleonora thought she'd have time to recurperate before the next, the 2nd contestant had already begun and it had been one scare after another. The dragons had been a beaut though and if it had been any other day, she would have been admiring the sight of not one but 4 dragons.

The Gryffindors had already celebrated in the common room with any grudge they had held against Harry dissipating like dust. Funny how teenage emotions worked. Eleonora had congratulated Harry before slipping out of the common room early, while the celebration had been at its peak and students were getting high off of the adrenaline.

She made her way through the empty corridors, heading towards the look out tower, when a male voice behind her made her stop.

Two slytherins crossed infront of her, having merged from two side corridors and blocked her path as a third made his way to stand behind her. Eleonora eyed the two before turning around and the sight made her heart sink.

"Hello cousin".

Complete with the green eyes, black hair and the snide, his resemblance to Marcus was uncanny. Young Eleonora had constantly trembled under Marcus' gaze and standing infront of Theodore, the Nott family seemed to have that effect on her.

A Child Of Darkness : A Draco Malfoy fanficTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang