21. Tattooing the night sky

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"Blimey dad. How far up are we?"

Eleonora added to Ron's question by leaning against the railing with a loud sigh. She looked up as more steps awaited them and she glanced at Cedric who scrunched his nose at the sight.

"Put it this way. If it rains, you'll be the first to know". A voice arose from the seats below, complete with pride and snark.

The group looked to the landing below and the long white hair was what caught her eye. Eleonora did not recognize the man but with the boy standing right next to him, Fawley could take a guess on who he was.
Lucius Malfoy stared right at them with a signature smirk that the family surely shared.
His son walked right behind the man, looking up at them, especially the Weasleys.

"Father and I are in the Minister's box", Draco bragged, pulling on the collar of the same suit Eleonora had previously admired. "By personal invitation of Cornelius Fudge himself".
He regarded each of them with his habitual smirk, even Eleonora.

Fawley couldn't help the visible frown on her face, seeing how contradicting her two encounters have been with the boy. What worried her was which approach had been pretense.

"Don't boast Draco", Lucius scolded to which Draco's face instantly fell. "There's no need with this people". The man smirked, this time staring straight at Harry. "Do enjoy yourself. While you can".

The man scanned the crowd before pausing right at Eleonora. Mr Malfoy looked to her, recognition dawning on his face as he smiled. Eleonora glanced at Draco, who stared blankly, but his eyes betrayed the anxiety they held.

"Miss Nott".

Eleonora cringed, her eyes shutting close before she resumed a confident stance. "It's Fawley actually".

"Right Miss Fawley. I'm sorry if that...", he paused, pretending to think. "Inconvenienced you".

Fawley said nothing and motioned the others to resume climbing.

"You're welcome to join us in the Minister's box", Lucius spoke, his voice slow and alluring in an attempt to tempt her. "I can assure you it'll be far greater than what they could possibly offer you".

Eleonora paused midstep, her eyes rolling up at his words. She turned to the man, faking a smile as she stared him down. "I'm happy where I am Mr Malfoy. But I thank you for your extreme generosity", she emphasized on the last words with a smile but it didn't meet her eyes. And it was obvious to the onlookers.

Draco turned to his father, a cautious look in his eyes but Lucius did not let his own expression falter. "If you ever change your mind, you could walk right in", the man stated. He proceeded to smile, his gaze solely on the girl. He turned to his son, his smile instantly morphing into a frown.

"I had asked Draco to invite you, but I guess", he paused, drawing out his words, "he simply must have forgotten". Displeasure obvious in his father's face, Draco let his head drop, gulping down the knot in his throat.

Eleonora watched the boy, frowning at the man's words and wondering if it really was a coincidence that she had met the boy that night. However, before she could say anything, the man nodded and turned his back to them, motioning his son to follow.

Eleonora eyed the man as he walked away. Draco glanced at her shortly before following his father.

"Come on", Hermione whispered, taking Eleonora's hand in hers. The two followed the rest as they continued to climb up the stairs.


"That was amazing!"

"Honestly a very tense match".

"I was holding my breath the whole time!", Eleonora chuckled as she brought her hand to her chest.

Cedric nodded, collapsing on a chair as a wide smile spread across his painted face.

Ireland had taken an early lead and eventually had won despite repeated Bulgarian fouls and Krum catching the snitch. It was a win-win situation as Eleonora had supported both teams. The same couldn't have been said about Ron who had been strongly supporting Krum and Bulgaria.

"Oh I told Hermione I would join them for a few minutes before we settle down for the night". Eleonora tucked her wand into her pocket and glanced over at the boy. "I'll be back soon".

The boy leaped off the couch, picking up his wand that he had dropped off on a table nearby.
"Let me drop you off", Cedric offered.

"Oh come on. That's not necessary", the girl smiled. "I can handle myself".

"I know. Still, I'd prefer to". He moved to pick up his shoes but Fawley shook her head.

"Cedric. Stay".
Eleonora laughed as the boy instantly sat down to humor her.

"Seriously, I can make it there. There's no need to worry", the girl reasoned.
She glanced over to the tent flap as sounds of celebration made their way in. She looked back to the boy who had crossed his arms in thought.
Cedric shrugged and brought his feet up onto the couch.
"Fine. Just don't find yourself in any trouble", he warned, throwing an accusing finger in her direction.

Eleonora held her hands up in surrender as she returned the boy's smile. She grabbed her coat and disappeared through the door, the loud shouts and fireworks masking Cedric's farewell.

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