30. Pranksters & their limits

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Eleonora walked down from the owlery, rubbing her hands together to rid the chills. She grabbed the letter out of her jumper and glanced at it again, smiling at the familiar handwriting. Hermes flew past her. He ruffled her hair as he used her head as a jumping pad and Eleonora narrowed her eyes in annoyance.

"You damn bird!", she called out, shaking her head in disbelief. She watched the owl fly in the direction of her room and patted her hair down to fix it.

Elen looked at the letter and brushed her fingertips against the coarse paper and its writing.

"Talk to Snape. He'll help you figure out what's causing it".

Eleanora sighed rereading the line. She had mailed Remus about her little session with Snape and the ex-professor had asked her to trust the man. Maybe she could finally put an end to her discourse about that night. But when she could hardly remember the events, the solution to the issue was quite out of reach.

Elen dismissed the thought and neatly folded the letter to add it to her box of letters from Remus.

She had continued to write the man and he didn't miss out on writing ones himself, always making sure that she was alright and keeping tabs on her.

He had found himself a nice cosy home in the same town as the Weasleys and planned on staying there. Much to the delight of Eleonora, he had followed her idea and built a room where he could lock himself in with magic when the wretched time would arrive and it was proving to be efficient. Dumbledore had thankfully come through and helped him with finding a home and building the room and Elen made a mental note to thank the professor later.

But it also brought on a wave of hope that Remus had tried relentlessly to keep at bay. A hope that Elen would be able to live with him. The man continued to ignore her requests in her letters but Elen did not stop. She continued to address the matter even if he was ignoring it out of mistaken nobility.

Eleonora sighed and stuffed her hands into her pockets. She looked out from the tower as she made her way to the common room.


"If anyone fancies a slime bomb, you know where to find them!"

Eleonora stood still amidst the laughter, her eyes trained on the floor as she let the goo drip down her clothes and arms. She looked towards the open spherical case lying next to her, which had dropped on her the moment she had stepped foot in the common room. Eleonora took a shaky breath. She shook her arms to rid the blue slime off of her but its stickiness proved it to be useless.

She looked up at the Gryffindors. Thigh slapping laughter passed around as they watched her and the Weasley twins stood among them, proud and victorious.

Eleonora couldn't help the tears running down her face. It was all a joke. A silly prank. She knew that. But the recurring jokes would definitely drain a person, especially if they had been the only target for a while. It had gotten to a point where she had to check everything so that she wouldn't be caught in the crosshairs. But it turned out that she hadn't been very careful.

"Not again!" Hermione paused at the staircase from the dormitories. She threw a nasty glare at the twins but Elen did not wait to hear anything more. She made her way out of the common room, down the corridor and immediately took a left to enter a small open room behind a wall.

Eleonora collapsed on the bench. She buried her face in her palms but that only transferred the slime on her face to her hands. The girl sighed and looked out through the gaps in the wall. She watched students walk past. Unbeknown to them, a girl covered in slime sat in the little corner, miserable tears mixing themselves with the blue goo.

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