17 - A pie to befriend

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Months passed with 3rd years dreading the year end as exams were soon right around the corner.
Common rooms were packed with students engaged in last minute studying trying to cram everything they've learnt the past year in one single night.

Apart from that, Sirius Black's second visit to the boys' dormitories had the entire house terrified. Some would even flinch at the smallest sounds as they tried hard to focus on their notes. Ron particularly was extra jumpy as it had been his curtains around his bed to be ripped. Understandably the boy had been on edge ever since.

Soon exams had passed and students finally could catch their breath despite the dark cloud that hung over them as they awaited their results. But atleast their exams were done with.

Eleonora rubbed her head as she woke up, the bright light through the windows doing nothing to rid the awful headache. Her eyes squinted against the light but she managed to open them, focusing her gaze on the white curtains to her left.
She have had another of her fainting spell and with the exams that she had sat for, it was no wonder the stress was knocking her out. Atleast that was what Madam Pompfrey had claimed.

She sat up in the hospital bed, throwing an involuntary smile towards the bed ridden boy across from her. He only stared, denying her a smile in reply.

"Do you plan on detesting me forever?"
Eleonora had no plan of making conversation but she was growing tired of staying in the hospital wing and she had grown quite irritable.

"As long as there is a reason to".

"And you believe there is?"


Eleonora sighed. She collapsed back onto the bed, bringing her left arm over to shield her eyes. "I respect your commitment to your believes Weasley". She lifted her arm slightly to catch a glimpse of the boy. "Too bad it's towards something that is totally false".

Elen had no clue why or when she had started talking to the boy. Ever since she had first woke up, she was met with Ronald Weasley as the nurses bandaged up his leg. Eleonora had fallen asleep again and when she had woken up, he was gone. The second time she woke up, Hermione and Harry had been there too and the girl had lots to say.

The school year had been uneventful only in Eleonora's point of view. But not so much for the trio.
It had turned out that Sirius Black had been innocent while Pettigrew had been the treacherous rat who had betrayed Harry's parents to Voldermort.
Professor Lupin had turned into a werewolf and thankfully no one had been hurt and they had managed to rescue Sirius so that he didn't have to go back to Azkaban.

Eleonora had no idea why Hermione had trusted her with that information but Fawley had no intention of spreading it anywhere else so Granger wasn't wrong to trust her.

The girl swung her legs over the side of the bed, accepting Madam Pomfrey's medicine gratefully. Her gaze rested on the boy who nibbled on some chocolates as she downed the drink with disgust.

"Try not to come back here Miss Fawley", she spoke as she grabbed the tray from the table. Eleonora looked to the matron, smiling.
"No promises Madam Pompfrey".

Eleonora rose to her feet as Madam Pompfrey only rolled her eyes. She shooed the girl away from the bed to which she quickly tended to.

Fawley walked in the direction of the door but paused infront of Ron's bed. The boy had been looking at her and instantly turned his head away when she turned to him.
"Do you need anything?", Eleonora asked.

"No thank you I'm well tended to".

"I'm off to get some breakfast. I could bring something from the kitchen?", Eleonora pressed further despite his previous quick rejection.

Ron paused, his gaze turning to her for a second.

"Some pie will do?"

His eyes lifted to the roof as he scratched the back of his head. Eleonora stood rooted to her spot, surprised by her own patience. It still surprised her that she wanted to help the boy but maybe it had to do with the hours of gruesome pain that Ron had gone through while she had been there. And it was pity indeed that was driving her to care for him.

"Some pie will be good", he replied after some hesitation but continued to avoid her gaze.

Eleonora nodded but a smile pulled her lips apart. "Say the magic word Weasley".

Ron turned to her, his tired eyes scanning her from top to bottom as if she had asked him to perform a stunt. He rolled his eyes and slid deeper into his sheets. "Some pie please".

Eleonora grinned. "A whole pie coming right up for the injured Ronald Weasley". Fawley clicked her tongue, throwing a smile and wink his way as she made her way out of the wing.
She turned around just in time to see the boy shake his head, as if to wake himself up from a dream and Eleonora smiled.

She didn't want to make everyone like her or to stop hating her. But treating them nice while they grew confused by the second was turning out to be much more fun than she thought. And if they continued to detest her, Elen would do her best to ignore it even if it meant being nice to people who ultimately saw her as an enemy.

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