15 - Tales of a young girl

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"She fainted!?"


"What do you mean? Is she alright?"

"I took her to the hospital wing soon after and Madam Pompfrey is nursing her".

Professor Lupin took a seat next to the boy, pressing him for more details.
"Did they tell what's wrong with her?"

Harry shrugged, completely spooked by the professor's behaviour.
"I didn't stick around long enough but she said that Eleonora would be fine".

Lupin sighed, brushing his hair out of his eyes.
"My boy you should have told me this sooner".

Harry mumbled a sorry before the two settled into a silence. Harry nibbled away at the chocolate he was given after successfully casting a patronus charm and he was elated that it had worked out.
He turned to the professor but noted the wrinkles on his forehead as he stared straight at the wall.

"I hope you don't mind me asking Professor but why do you care so much about her?", he asked.

Remus, taken back by the question, rubbed his neck as he looked at the boy.
"Well", he paused. "She's a student"

"I'm sorry professor but you two act like friends and she visits you often". The boy took another bite of his chocolate, turning away from the Professor.
He didn't realise how wrong he had sounded but it was already too late.

"Harry". His tone turned serious.
"Years back, I came across Eleonora when she was on the run after Bellatrix killed her family".

"You believe it?", Harry interrupted.


"You believe that it was indeed Bellatrix who did it?", he paused, disbelief in his words. "Not Eleonora?"

"Yes". Lupin affirmed. "I would put my entire life on the line if it means I could get rid of these foolish rumors about her".

He rubbed his eyes, sighing at the young boy.
"And I can't say I'm not disappointed that you too believe those false and ridiculous stories".

Harry lowered his head. He still remained sure of his belief but with Professor Lupin telling otherwise, he was starting to doubt everything that he knew.

"That night, Marcus, her father, killed Eleonora's mother. Penelope didn't stand a chance". Remus bit his lip, saddened by the thought. "And little Nora had to watch all of it happen".
"Bellatrix Lestrange showed up and they used the cruciatus on Nora". Harry's eyes went round, looking up at the professor as he spoke.
"It's a miracle Eleonora was able to survive".

"Her life was difficult in that house and she was just too young to know that. For all we know, she probably assumed that was how a normal family functioned".

Remus rubbed his forehead. "She's a young girl who needs the love of a father but I know it can't come from me". He paused to think, his gaze focused on his fingers. "But I'll do everything I can to help".

Harry nodded, nibbling on his last bit of chocolate.
"So Marcus was a death eater?"

"Yes. Yes he was"

"And Penelope?"

"She was an innocent girl who fell in love with the wrong man". The man sighed and crossed his arms. "And love can make you blind when it comes to bad intentions".

"What was Marcus's intention?"

"We don't know". Remus shook his head.

"To make her a death eater too?", the boy questioned.

Lupin closed his eyes, shaking his head immediately. "Even if that was his intention, I can assure you Eleonora is anything but evil".

"How can you be so sure?".

"Because I know Harry", he was stern. "I've lived with her and I know the child. She's not dangerous".

Harry shut his mouth tight and looked away from the man. It was only his words but Harry did not find it hard to believe them. Maybe because of how much emotion they held.

"How did Eleonora escape?", Harry asked. "How did Marcus die?"

"I've said enough Harry". Remus rose to his feet and Harry followed suit. "If you want to know more, you have to talk to Eleonora".

Harry scratched the nape of his neck as he imagined himself talking to the girl, particularly after how their last conversation had gone.
"I don't think she likes me very much".

"No offense Harry but I wouldn't either considering the prejudice you have". Lupin smiled teasingly as he walked to the door.

He paused momentarily with the door open, turning to look back at the boy.
"And you know. How would you feel if everyone falsely accused you of being in service to the dark lord? ", Remus asked. He waited for the thought to sink in and when Harry looked up at the man, he smiled sadly. "Not very pleasant is it".

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