24. Hospital wing visits

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"How did you know I'd be here?"

"I just knew. It was either here or the lake".

Eleonora narrowed her eyes, turning to the boy next to her. He leaned against the balcony, watching the sky turn pink as his blond hair was swept back by the breeze.

"You've been stalking me?", the girl teased and the boy turned to her in alarm.

"No", Draco stated firmly. "Just always seemed to run into you where ever I went", he explained.

Eleonora nodded, continuing to watch the boy whose actions were never simple. One minute he was full of torturous snarky remarks and recurrent smirks and then the next, he was..nice.

"Thank you", Eleonora stated genuinely, smiling when the boy met her gaze.

"There's no need for that. That man needs to be fired. He'll have to wait till my father hea-". Draco paused mid sentence and averted his gaze as he pushed himself away from the parapet.

"I'm sorry that happened", he stated. Malfoy continued to stare at something far off in the distance. "You shouldn't have had that happened to you".

Elen looked up at the boy. "That night with Bellatrix or this lesson with Moody?"

Draco stuffed his fists into his pockets.
"Both". He managed to whisper but it fell on deaf ears.
Before the girl could ask himself to repeat, Draco turned to the girl with a smirk. "If you're feeling better now, I'll be off. Unless you've got more snot to stain my shirt with".

Eleonora gasped, bringing her hand to her chest in mock offense. "There's no snot!"

Draco smiled, which caught the girl by surprise but she didn't let her intrusive thoughts show.

"Heading down now", he stated again, taking steps away from the girl. "Are you sure you're alright?"

"Yeah. Just got a massive headache". She dismissed it with a wave. "I'll sleep it off"

"Alright Fawley". Draco nodded, taking his cue to leave. Eleonora watched the boy walk away and her eyes squinted with confusion. She waited till she could hear the boy down the stairs before leaving the Lookout tower herself.


Eleonora rubbed her forehead as she dragged her feet down the corridor to the common room. She passed portraits that looked to her in both worry and confusion as she almost stumbled on her way.


The girl looked up at the greeting, noting Cedric and Bea on the opposite end of the corridor. A bead of sweat fell down her temple as she could barely raise her head.

The sensation was all too familiar and Eleonora stumbled her way towards the boy, her hands reaching out for help. The pain in her head tuned out everything else, forcing her to go through the severity of it.
Nausea crept up from her stomach and her vision blurred. The girl saw two Cedrics rushing urgently towards her.

She lost sensation in her feet and the girl fell on her knees. Her hands reached out for anything to grasp for but found nothing. All she saw was legs running before her vision went instantly dark.
Eleonora crumpled like a puppet with it's string cut off, right before Cedric could make it to her.


Eleonora couldn't count how many times she had woken up in the hospital wing and it was growing to be ridiculous and rather concerning.

"I thought I told you that I didn't want to see you in here again". Madam Pompfrey carried a tray of the usual medicines that she would put forth for Eleonora's episodes and the girl wasted no time in downing them.

"I thought it happened only once at our house?", Cedric questioned from beside the bed. He crossed his arms as he watched the girl get cosy in the sheets.

"Maybe once or twice in Hogwarts".

"You keep lying honey. That's not going to help you", Madam Pompfrey huffed as she walked away with the tray. "I ought to let Professor Snape take a look at you".

She turned to Cedric with her arms on her hips.
"I've told Professor Dumbledore but I'm not sure if he's done anything about it".

"He'll think of something", Cedric assured, smiling at the woman who returned it. His charms definitely affected more than just the students and Eleonora rolled her eyes at the boy.

"Were you here the whole time?"

Cedric nodded. "It didn't take you very long to wake up. Only been an hour or so".

"You didn't have to", Elen stated, starting to get out of bed. "Even if you're my friend", she added before the boy could say it.

The boy narrowed his eyes at her but then smiled. "Well then, as a prefect, I have sworn to take care of my school and the students in it". He sat up straight on the stool and nodded at her. "Which includes you".

Eleonora sighed at the boy's words, shaking her head at his antics. 

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